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35 Pics Of Evil Neighbors Who Made Their Neighborhood Hell

Do you have a neighbor horror story? If not, count yourself lucky! Many of us have encountered frustrating neighbors at some point. Some stomp around like they’re doing cartwheels, others sing loudly with questionable musical talent, and a few pick fights over trivial matters. The list of annoying behaviors seems endless.


If you’ve already sighed or had flashbacks just reading this, we sympathize. If not, keep reading to discover tales that might resonate with you. Today, we’re sharing stories of some of the most patience-testing, anger-inducing, and downright annoying neighbors out there. So, grab a seat and get ready to nod along in solidarity!

Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. Children were having fun with friends, so a neighbor reported to the HOA that they must have been running a childcare.


Via JustJJ92

2. Their neighbor tried to accuse them of being addicts by throwing syringes on their balcony. She thought the roommates were g*y and didn’t want them near her.


Via mtsiri

3. They are using their balcony as a storage room.



4. The neighbor took delivery of a package their business purchased, used up all the contents of the product, and then sent this to have them pay for it.


Via BigMacDaddy99

5. Caught the neighbor shoveling snow from his backyard to theirs.


Via allthepoutine

6. The neighbor living upstairs managed to discharge their fire alarm.


Via _AbacusMC_

7. The neighbor parks like this when his wife isn’t home. He keeps both spots locked.

Via reedtheraccoon

8. “We were going to have a new robin family – until our neighbor poisoned his lawn and the parent robins ate from it and d*ed.”


Via CatDadMilhouse

9. This person built a 7-foot fence so their neighbor couldn’t see inside. The neighbor built a 9-foot fence and installed a camera on it pointing toward their house.

Via Magicisntreallyrea

10. Every time they would turn on their smoker, the neighbor would call the fire department reporting they were burning trash. This has happened 15 times now.



11. Nosy neighbor put up a camera to look inside after this person got a fence installed to keep them out.

Via harbinger_CHI

12. All this dog poop was chucked into their yard over the back fence by the neighbor.



13. A passive-aggressive note by a neighbor who wanted them to remove all the plants that they “legally owned”.

Via HedgehogSmoothie

14. There is a package thief in the neighborhood.


Via Optimal_Jaguar_8773

15. An anonymous letter from who knows which neighbor.

Via cnotethegoat123

16. The football went accidentally into the neighbor’s yard. This is how it was returned.


Via buddahsumo

17. This person thinks they own the whole street in front of their apartment.

Via estunum

When selecting a neighborhood, you have to take into account a lot of factors like utility expenses, maintenance costs, etc. But one thing that people have started to consider even more so than the factors just mentioned is the neighbors in that neighborhood. You have to make sure you strike the right balance because if you end up with bad neighbors, you’re done for. It will be impossible to even complete the year in such a neighborhood because bad neighbors can very quickly get on the nerves.

They are impossible!

18. After the upstairs neighbor’s bathroom flooded for a whole week.


Via UltimateChaos233

19. “Went to a Friendsgiving, they let their neighbor know ahead of time that they would be having people over, it was 4:45 pm on a Saturday and about 6 people were there. He knocked on the door, taped this note to the door, and ran off.”

Via gravityandlove

20. Neighbors have been robbing grass from this square. Unbelievable!


Via nicbsc

21. Didn’t know people could control the wind.

Via leinad1972

22. This is how his neighbor parks him (blue car) in every night.


Via heymissspider

23. That arrow you see was shot into their house by the neighbor.

Via this-is-cursed

24. Because the neighbor hadn’t seen their cat in the window for 3 days, she sawed their main door to enquire about it.



25. Neighbors wanted to know what was going on in their basement so they installed a camera to keep a constant eye.

Via Educational_Bit8972

26. Their neighbor didn’t like the sound of their pee.


Via scoutodile

27. His neighbor’s peacocks taking a dump on his stuff.

Via Dad_2_B

28. This is public shaming at its best.


Via mahelke

29. Thanks for the heads-up, sir.

Via UnethicalTesticle

30. “Amazon delivery picture of my package on my neighbor’s porch. Asked my neighbor if they happened to accidentally get my package. “Nope didn’t see it”.”


Via _The_Space_Monkey_

31. Buy them blinds to embarrass them.

Via TheNotTooDarkLord

32. Neighbor always parks their cars in a way that blocks this person’s mailbox.


Via Negative_Permit

33. “My neighbor, who is not registered for disability, constantly parks in the disabled spot. She will sit in a spot nearby till it opens to make sure she can claim it if it’s blocked for whatever reason.”

She has way too much time on her hands.

Via alexlove13

34. After borrowing the hedge trimmer, this is the state in which the neighbor returned it.

That extension cord is done for.


Via Pieterbr

35. The pergola is invading their yard space. This can easily be reported.

Via papi_pizza

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Rhonda Meeks Jones

Dog tax.

“My large icy was full when I went in the store for 2 minutes.”


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