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Jealous Mother Asks Redditor To Hand Over Inheritance So She Can “Sanitize” It

Inheritance battles are a topic frequently touched upon in fictional books and movies but our OP from today’s Reddit AITA story recently proclaimed that this situation has become her reality. She shared with the online community that her late great-aunt left her more than $700K and since her death, the money should have already been transferred to the OP’s bank account. However, OP’s mother doesn’t agree with the idea of OP accepting “tainted” funds as the aunt was a professional poker player and made most of her money from that. Read the whole juicy story down below!


Source: u/mymominerhitance

#1) Is OP the AH for wanting to accept an inheritance when their mother doesn’t think it’s appropriate?


#2) OP got left an inheritance of more than $700k but her mother doesn’t want her to accept it as it came from what she considers an unethical source.


#3) OP’s mother has hinted that the money should go to her so she can sanitize it by investing in their family.


#4) OP’s mom has always been against the aunts source of income. OP sees this money as something that can bring significant change in her life.


#5) OP suggested compromise but her mother disagrees. Is OP in the wrong?


Source: u/mymominerhitance

The story was a hit online and spread very quickly, met with widespread attention. After a while OP herself entered the discussion in the comments. She revealed that she felt “saddened and worried” about the chance of losing her bond with her mother after all that has happened. Reddit believes that OP’s mother is selfish and does not have OP’s best interests at heart and that’s what it seems like to us too. Scroll down below to read more:

#6) It feels like OP’s mom has some ulterior motives.


#7) OP’s mother was not given the inheritance for obvious reasons.

#8) OP needs to focus on her own expenses.


#9) Seems unreal, NGL.

#10) Taking all the money would be OP’s best bet.


#11) OP should figure out a good long term plan with the money.

#12) Even if she’s OP’s best friend, boundaries need to be set.


#13) OP’s mother is stepping too out of her place.

#14) Agreed, this kind of opportunity doesn’t come around more than once.


#15) Made us all laugh a little honestly. The audacity is astounding.

#16) Don’t get manipulated OP.


#17) Getting financial guidance from a professional would be for the best.

#18) There’s only some time before OP’s mom tries to put a claim on it.


#19) There are no real consequences, OP. Go for it.

#20) Run as fast as you can!

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