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Brother Learns About Sister’s Wedding Surprise, Kicks Her Out Of The Wedding, Asks If He’s Wrong

Sisters Wedding

Parents are not always the ideal human beings.

Every child thinks their parents are the perfect ideal, but as they grow older, they realise that this is not the case. Everyone, including parents, makes mistakes and has flaws. It is critical for children to understand that their parents are human, not perfect. Furthermore, navigating our relationship with our parents can be a complicated experience. While we may wish for a strong and positive bond with them, the truth is that not all parent-child relationships are easy or harmonious. Conflicts, misunderstandings, and differences in values or beliefs can cause strain in a relationship.


This is particularly true if you discover your mother cheating on your father. This can certainly have an impact on you if you are young and unsure what to do with the information. The relationship can be further harmed if that parent tries to bribe their way out of accepting responsibility for their actions. Now, I’m not saying people don’t cheat, and things aren’t always black and white, but that doesn’t mean you should involve your child in this mess. That is precisely what OP’s mother did, and he is still not over it. So what his sister did harmed him even more.

You can form your own opinions by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

OP kicked out his sister from his wedding, but he had a good reason for it, which the title doesn’t tell us.


OP hasn’t had a good relationship with his mother since he was 13, and he came home to find his mother cheating on his father.


OP’s mother tried to bribe him so that he wouldn’t tell his father, but he immediately told the truth to his father, and his parents ended up getting divorced.


His mother tried to reach out to him, but he usually stayed holed in his room until he was allowed to live with his father full-time, and this left his sister even more unhappy.


OP also had a rocky relationship with his sister, but they finally reconnected when he and his then-girlfriend at the time went to his sister’s wedding.


Via Reddit

Things quickly took a turn for the worse when OP realised his sister was going to bring their mother to the wedding even though she wasn’t invited.


OP tried to get through to her sister, but she was adamant that he needed to let go of the hate and that their mother wanted to reach out to him.

Not only that but his sister was also always feeding information about him to their mother which he never consented to.


OP also later found out that Kenzie was also in on it and was okay with his mother coming to the wedding.

His fiancé wants to reconnect with his mother, but he doesn’t even want to entertain the idea.


Via Reddit

I believe OP needs therapy, and I am not saying he needs to forgive her because that is his business, but I do sense a lot of resentment on his part. It appears that his mother is attempting to reach out to him, and his fiance is simply trying to help him. However, doing things behind his back and disregarding his boundaries is not the way to proceed.

Honestly, I don’t believe anyone had bad intentions with this wedding fiasco. They were all attempting to assist OP, but they made a mistake. I am concerned to see that his fiancée is not supporting him at all, and this is a serious warning for the future.

People weren’t happy with how his fiance acted at all.

OP and his fiance need to sit down and talk through these issues.


He was clear in his boundaries right from the start.

It isn’t looking good for the future.


I agree that OP needs therapy.

Via Reddit

If OP didn’t find out, the wedding would have been very chaotic.


It does seem like Kenzie has good intentions though.

That may be their intention.


However, they still went behind his back.

Cutting contact might be going a bit too extreme, in my opinion.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think he’s being too harsh with his sister and mother? Or do you believe it is his right, and others should respect his boundaries? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, and remember to share this story with your friends so they can contribute their own similar experiences.


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