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14 Creepy Things Guys Do That Women Hate

The world can be a scary place for women.

We know, all men are not to blame. But it is the majority of our experiences that make us live in fear. So not all men, but enough to make us uneasy when we are in a place surrounded by them. Women have to be extra careful when they go out. We have to take some extra safety measures that men wouldn’t ever need. If you are a woman, you know what it is like to walk alone at night with your car keys fixed between your fingers in case a predator comes to attack you. You know what it is like to smile and constantly tell a man “no” because you are too afraid to be straight forward about it since you have heard so many stories about men actually killing women because they rejected them. So basically, a woman can be in danger just for making her own decisions.


Most of the behaviors of men have become so normalized by now that people see nothing wrong with them. Some men think they are doing something casual, but in reality, they are just coming off as creepy to us. So, women on Reddit shared creepy things that guys do without realizing it. Scroll down below to read the list:

1. You are not. Act your age.


Via u/-kez

2. Except now the guy is old and she is only 15! How inappropriate.


Via u/tarantulawarfare

3. Is there really no other way to strike up a conversation?


Via u/lisbethsalamander

4. They flirt with you when you can’t leave because they know you will have to respond to them.


Via u/Armacdonald94

5. Staring can make one very uncomfortable.


Via u/phoebePBJ

6. Do not give out your personal information to strangers.


Via u/changingoftheseasons

7. This can be a huge red flag.

Via u/bittertrusts

I am sure most of the women that are reading these have at least experienced one of these things at least at one point in their life. I am not sure if I can say the same for men. Straight up denying the fact that women go through these problems on a daily basis won’t make it true. That is just ignorance. It is 2021, can the world just be a safe place for women already? We are only halfway through the list though, scroll down below for the rest of it:

8. That just makes me frown.


Via u/PlaysOneIRL

9. This is the most annoying thing on the planet, I swear.

Via u/Scrappy_Larue

10. “Why are you up at this hour?” What are you? My mom?


Via u/niponew

11. That is just creepy.

Via u/yourtransjesus

12. Describe “other girls.”


Via u/clownsinmypants

13. Don’t touch anyone without their consent.

Via u/BuckingFutters78

14. Men take it on their ego when you tell them you aren’t into them.


Via u/ceresdaniela

Have you ever experienced any of these? The list is naturally longer, but these were the most common things that are witnessed. Do you have anything to add here? Let us know in the comments below!


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