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10+ Hilarious Things That You Have To Go Through As A Dog Owner

Dogs can be a right hassle to deal with.

Before people pick up their pitchforks and come for me, I never said they aren’t worth it. After all, we all know pets require a lot of work but they also have a lot to give. So most people don’t think twice before taking the plunge and get a dog. However, what first-time dog owners don’t realize is that every dog has their own quirk just like humans. From sitting on a chair to eat to always wanting more food.


Honestly, it sometimes seems like their stomach is a black hole that never gets filled. However, these are the fun things that make life interesting to live. So if you are thinking of getting a dog, taking a look at all the following pictures might give you an idea of what your life will be like in the future. They are just like babies. And no matter how much you love them, there will be hard times when they wake you up after you haven’t slept for three days.

Scroll below and take a look for yourself.

#1 Even after eating, they will want more food.


#2 They will have weird quirk like sitting on the dining chair.


#3 Unless you are an athlete walks might be a serious workout.


#4 They will not be happy when you dress them up no matter how adorable they look.


#5 They will make a mess of things when it is time to bathe them.


#6 Sometimes you’ll lose sight of them.


All of this might seem like a lot of work for nothing. But dogs are lovable and loyal so you know they will always help you no matter what. And not only that, they are great for your health as well. They also teach us responsibility so we know how to take off another person basically.

However, there are many breeds that are great for first-time dog owners and are much more low maintenance. At the end of the day, it depends on the person as to which breed suits them best.

#7 They will bark to show you their love until your ears bleed.

#8 You will never be able to say no to them.


#9 They will need constant hugs and attention.

#10 Even after getting caught red-handed, they will not take responsibility.


#11 You better have a lot of money to spare for their constant treats.

#12 They will not even let you go to the bathroom alone.


#13 Walks every day are mandatory even if you’re sick or it’s below zero outside.

#14 However, you will melt when you see their sleeping faces.


#15 After all, they are the most adorable creatures in the world and deserve the best.

Do you still want a dog after reading all that? I don’t about you, but I wouldn’t mind having a loyal floof besides me so I never feel lonely. Why not tell us something that your dog does that melts away your anger in the comments down below?


What do you think?