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Toxic Boss Gets Angry At An Employee For Not Being On Call 24/7


Life isn’t all about work.

In our modern world, it has become all too common for people to spend most of their time working. In fact, the average person spends more time working or studying than they do sleeping. While it is important to work hard and be productive, we must also make time for the things that bring us joy and fulfilment, such as our hobbies. Neglecting these things can lead to burnout and make it difficult to manage the responsibilities of daily life. That’s why it’s crucial to set boundaries and not allow others to push us too hard. Finding a balance between work and home life may sound simple, but it can be a real challenge.


This story is about a common experience that many of us have faced in our working lives. It’s the expectation that we should be on call 24/7, without any extra compensation for the extra time spent on work calls. It’s frustrating to be expected to drop everything or wake up in the middle of the night to handle work-related issues. In the past, the writer of this story has done their best to help out their colleagues, but there comes a point when enough is enough. The writer has reached that point and decided to tell their boss that they will no longer be taking work calls outside of their normal work hours.

If you’re interested in reading more, you can find the rest of the story below.

Source: Reddit

Nobody should be required to be on call 24/7.

When he started working here, he did not expect he would need to do this.


However, he does take calls out of his normal work hours just to help out his co-workers.


However, it apparently keeps happening and this time he was asleep when the call came.


He still took the call but the next day, John was less than happy.


The supervisor was apparently annoyed that he had taken so long to answer the call.


OP tried to keep his cool but even he was going to blow up any minute.


This is when John basically demanded that he keep his phone on him 24/7.


This is when OP made it clear that he would not be taking any more calls out of work hours.


Although, now he is a bit worried that he might have been too hasty.


We also get a bit more information about his job.

Apparently, John still thinks he is in the right.


However, they never made this clear beforehand.

So it really isn’t his duty.


It’s natural for anyone to feel annoyed if their boss tries to pressure them into working more hours. And what’s worse than this, is getting a call from work in the middle of the night. I can relate to this because I have also experienced something similar to this before, and it is never a pleasant experience to take work calls when you are half-asleep. I am glad that the employee in this scenario stood up to his boss and refused to work extra hours. I

t shows that he values his personal time and boundaries. However, there’s always a possibility that there could be some unforeseen consequences for his actions. Unfortunately, people in positions of power like to flaunt their authority, and the manager might decide to punish the employee just for refusing to work extra hours. Even though the manager doesn’t have any valid reasons to penalize the employee, it’s always better to be prepared for the worst. Ultimately, the employee has done the right thing by sticking to his principles, and I hope he doesn’t face any negative consequences for his actions.

People in the comments were clearly outraged on behalf of OP.

OP has given a few solutions to these problems but nobody is willing to listen.


More work should mean more pay.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Did you ask for overtime pay or did you quit your job instead? Let us know in the comments below and feel free to share this story with your friends so they can join in the conversation as well.


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