Who thought a dog name would cause a family drama to ensue.
We like to name our doggos the cutest names we like to call out loud. Bark Obama, James Bone, Cjewbarka, Diggi Azalea, are punny and I find them very likable because why not? While the creativity and mind-investment into dog names are increasing by the day, there are some owners who like to go with the traditional flow and name their dogs like Buster, Buddy, or Jellybean. And then there is a third group of people who give human names to their dogs as if they were their own babies like John, Dan, Molly, etc.
This one dog owner actually found it very funny from the start to give human names to dogs and decided to name his dog Brad. Naturally, a person would think there shouldn’t be any problem with giving dogs human names. They are your companions and you want to call them how you call anyone. But things took a sharp turn when the dog owner’s sister came to his house with her boyfriend. According to Brad, everything was fine until the boyfriend asked the dog’s name. “Brad”, the girlfriend’s brother replied,
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You guys are pretty strong brains and I am sure you must’ve guessed it by now that the boyfriend’s name was also Brad. Let’s just say the human Brad didn’t receive this new information too well. Read below how the family drama ensued.
Here’s the source of family drama, Brad. The owner considered it a pretty fun name to give a dog until his sister and her boyfriend came one day.
Brad’s owner took it to Reddit to know if he really was an a$$hole for naming his dog, Brad!
Fair enough. Everyone has their own preferences. And this person’s preferences lie in giving dogs human names.
In his, the boyfriend was new and they were meeting for the first time.
It’s not like the boyfriend had patented the name, Brad. Anyone can have the name, Brad. My laptop is called Brad.
Disrespecting? Your sister’s senses got overshadowed by love, mate.
The dog probably does more justice to the name Brad than that loser boyfriend if you ask me.
Ruined a relationship after a name. Guess who’s the real asshole here?
It’s not new at all. Giving your pet a human name is something a lot of people do. It’s all about what you prefer as it is your dog. Brad # 2 had no right to do what he did with Sarah or with Brad # 1’s owner. You’re not born with the name sealed on you. Dumb choice, if you ask me, Sarah!
People give pets a human version of names in the hope to make them a deeper part of their family. That’s how human psychology works.
“Pet humanization is becoming common because owners are increasingly wanting to provide their pets with human-like products or experiences,” said a pet wellbeing specialist ITCHpet.com’s co-founder, Charlotte Harper. She further added, “Giving them human names is us subconsciously drawing them ever closer into the family environment and treating them as children, which is obviously of great benefit to the pet, and for the family’s general wellbeing.”
People love naming their pets human names and love to showcase that to the world as well.
Luka has no problem with a rabbit sharing his name.
Via BBonushole
See, you can’t patent names. Learn, Brad # 2.
Via LoneMapleStudio
Julie and Julie working in harmony.
Via jcampbell12905
As we all know, the internet is limitless and the Reddit users, after through the story of two Brads were ready to announce their verdicts.
Here’s what the internet had to say on the matter. A big, fat, mutual NTA.
The verdict was loud and clear. Anyone can be Brad.
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