In this story, tensions in the household escalated as Chris reluctantly attempted to adhere to the rules set by his father. The atmosphere at home became strained, with frequent arguments between family members. Feeling misunderstood and stifled, Chris began searching for employment, eager to regain his independence and prove himself to his parents. Meanwhile, his mother continued to advocate for a more lenient approach, emphasizing her belief in providing emotional support during tough times rather than imposing strict rules.
As the days passed, Chris secured a job and started contributing financially to the household. Despite his initial resistance, he gradually adapted to the responsibilities set by his father. The family began attending therapy sessions together to address the underlying issues and improve communication. Over time, they worked towards finding a balance between supporting Chris’s transition into adulthood and maintaining a healthy family dynamic.
So keep scrolling down below to read the whole story narrated by OP and make sure to read it till the end otherwise, you won’t be able to connect to the story.
1. OP’s son just graduated college and due to no longer affording rent he came to live with his parents but that does not bother OP, he is bothered because he has become a burden to their family and doesn’t help in any manner moreover, he has added expenses too.
2. OP talked to her wife about how Chris has been lazy and doing nothing lately and suggested he needs a push but her wife thought he was talking about kicking him out and she does not envy that
3. OP sat with Chris and set some rules and those include that he has to do his basic tasks which include doing his laundry and doing his dishes
4. And those rules also include that he does not have to complain about what’s for lunch or dinner and he has to use wifi not more than 6 hours
5. When he heard those rules from his father he blew at him saying how ridiculous and unfair his rules are
6. OP said as long as he lives under his rules he’s expected to follow the owner’s rules and in response, he got frustrated and called her mom to rescue him and she also snapped at OP telling to him to get rid of these unreasonable rules
7. OP’s wife said that he is trying and he’s making it worse for him
8. Now OP wants to know whether he’s an A-hole or not, let’s find out.
9. That’s not what adults do
10. That’s right!
11. NTA
12. What are your thoughts on this?
13. That could be an option too
14. That’s somehow true
15. He needs that push to put in some extra efforts
16. The rule about wifi is a bit harsh but every other is right
17. Tough love is warranted?
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