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Redditor Makes Fun Of The Neighbor’s Dog Who Always Barks At Them, Neighbor Gets Upset

When a neighbour’s dog barks incessantly, it can become more than just a minor annoyance; it can disrupt your peace, disturb your sleep, and even lead to headaches. Additionally, the constant barking may cause other dogs to become agitated and join in, exacerbating the noise pollution. If a neighbour’s dog barks whenever you approach your yard or their property, it may be displaying territorial behaviour.


In a recent AITA story, the OP described their next-door neighbour’s pet dog, which barks constantly whenever the OP opens the door for a delivery. Strangely, the dog rarely barks at the delivery person, only at the OP, leaving the reason for this behaviour unclear. The dog’s barking triggers a cacophony of barks from other dogs in the neighbourhood, turning into a noisy “bark fest.” To cope with the situation, the OP sometimes makes fun remarks about the dog’s barking to make it more tolerable. However, the OP was unaware that the dog’s owner overheard these remarks until one morning when she confronted the OP about it.

Scroll down to read their story.

Source: Reddit

1. OP thinks she is an AH for taunting her constantly barking neighbour’s dog.

2. OP states that the dog next door always barks at even the slightest sight of her but she is not able to discover the reason for that.


3. The dog always barks at OP, which in turn triggers a cacophony of barks from other dogs in the neighbourhood, turning into a noisy “bark fest.”


4. So now to keep being sane amongst the barking noise, OP jokes about it with herself and the dog.


5. One morning when OP was leaving her house, the dog started again to which she joked a bit. But this time she was heard by the neighbour who confronted OP for taunting her dog.


6. OP quickly apologized if she offended the neighbour in some way and explained that she was just joking around, and nothing to take seriously.


7. The OP is done with all this…She has been tolerating the barking of the dog for a year already and can’t even use her front porch because the dog barks at her sight.


8. The OP asks other Redditors, especially dog owners to give her advice regarding this matter.


Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. 

9. Small, noisy dogs like that should be rehomed if their barking becomes incessant and disruptive to the neighbourhood.


10. Enjoy your day outside; let the dog yap and the neighbour deal with the annoyance.


11. If the owner doesn’t like her dog barking, she should train her dog better.

12. One cannot just sit back and see their dog bother the entire neighbourhood.


13. It takes a bit of an effort to train such dogs but they all come around at the end.

14. Constant barking is a sign of poor dog ownership…signifies they are not taking proper care of the dog.


15. Maybe they can use other techniques to help the dog so it doesn’t bark often.

16. The owner should take responsibility and train their dog to stop barking excessively.


17. It’s frustrating when you can’t even enjoy sitting on your porch due to the constant barking of a neighbour’s dog.

18. The owner should be better at controlling her dog rather than just sitting and listening to her.


19. How can my talking to myself can offend someone? Especially a dog?

20. The dog’s gonna yap at whatever the OP does…so her joking is not making things worse.


Constant barking from a neighbour’s dog can indeed be frustrating, even for those who love dogs. Such behaviour often stems from factors like loneliness or lack of stimulation, especially if the dog is left alone for extended periods. The disruptive nature of incessant barking can interfere with sleep, outdoor activities, and overall peace. Dog owners need to address this behaviour through proper training and enrichment to ensure a harmonious neighbourhood environment.

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