Being a responsible dog owner seems pretty straightforward, right? Keep the barking to a minimum, leash up on walks, and of course, always scoop the poop. It’s all about being considerate and not ruining someone’s day with your pet. But what if you follow all the rules and still upset someone? That’s the dilemma Reddit user Juniper2020 faced while walking her dog in her new neighborhood.
OP shared that in her old neighborhood, she had a nearby park for dog walks, but in the new area, there was no such convenience. During a stroll, her dog did his business on a neighbor’s lawn, which led to a polite request from the neighbor to keep the dog off his property in the future. Despite OP cleaning up the mess, the neighbor kept complaining.
Scroll down below to read the story!
Source: Juniper2020
1. That depends on what the owner of that front yard has to say about it. Let’s not jump the gun and find out what really happened.
2. OP shifted to a new place. Previously she lived near a public park that her dog loved for roaming around and doing his business.
3. In the new neighborhood, her dog would just poop in one of the neighbors’ yards and she would scoop it up afterward.
4. OP thought this wasn’t an issue but the owner of one of the yards saw this happen and told OP not to make it happen again.
5. OP’s argument was that she scooped it every time so it shouldn’t have been an issue, and that there were no public parks nearby for the dog to “do” it so her options were limited.
6. OP didn’t know if what she did was right or not so the matter was taken to the courts of the AITA community.
7. OP understood that many people are sensitive about their lawns and but argued that this was pine straw in her scenario and there was no risk of damaging any grass.
Source: Juniper2020
Here’s what the internet had to say about this:
8. If OP continues to let her animal in the neighbor’s yard to poop, it will make her an AH.
9. He made a reasonable request.
Via CrazyBoPeep
10. I’d suggest OP steer her dog away from his lawn next time something is about to happen and call it good.
Via lovetoread_87
YTA. Yeah sure OP is cleaning it all up after the dog is done, if the owner of the yard doesn’t like her dog pooping in it, then nothing can be done but to conform. OP shouldn’t be doing this. There could be thousands of reasons as to why thee neighbor doesn’t want the dog to poop in his yard. The decision should just be respected the way it is announced.
Also, OP says she has very limited options as to where her dog should poop. How about your own property? Train it in a way that after the walk, it poops in your yard. Simple.
Source: Juniper2020
11. Some people probably don’t mind, but this guy does so stay off his lawn.
Via widefeetwelcome
12. It’s not public property so if the owner doesn’t like her dog pooping there, it doesn’t matter if she cleans it up.
Via stropette
13. His yard his rules.
14. Leashes exist for a reason.
Via annoymous1996
15. I know right. Dogs can absolutely be trained and you can absolutely control where he does not go.
Via Deserted-mermaid
16. While the majority declared OP an AH, this person thought what she made her dog do was normal.
Via Reddit
17. And that is not ethical.
Via CapoWaters
18. It’s okay as long as you clean it up.
Via NannyBismo
19. This person declared OP an AH saying if their dog doesn’t do it in anyone else’s yard then OP’s dog shouldn’t do it either.
Via BubbaC619
20. Then OP can be declared an AH.
Via Spank_Cakes
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Via MickFoley13
Dog tax.
“I spent an entire day baking challah bread only to have it stolen.”
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