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30 Images That Show Good Bosses Still Exist Although They Are Little In Quantity

The corporate world is filled with corruption. It is a reality that many don’t like accepting but it exists and we have to deal with it. There are so many bad bosses who only honor and prioritize their personal interests and end up ruining the careers, even lives, of people working under them. This personal gain never lets them be successful in the long run and they always get the realization when terrible things start happening to them, but the big bubble of ego and the entitlement enchanting their brains doesn’t allow them to see things properly. There are countless stories shared by workers on the internet about how their terrible bosses made their lives the worst by overburdening them with work but always underpaying.

However, amidst this sad reality exists an anomaly. And by that, I mean “good bosses”. I know you are going to find it really hard to believe in my statement so I have decided to back it up with solid proof. Good bosses exist and we have stories for you that will cement this from the workers themselves. These stories will definitely restore some hope in you regarding the corporate sector if all of it was already lost.

Scroll down below to enjoy these rare and amazing experiences.

1. Managers at RBC posing for a picture in the outfits they wear for Zoom meetings.


Via RoutineProcedure

2. This worker was in a competition with his boss over who would lose the most weight first. On his birthday, this is what his boss decided to gift him to defeat him permanently and win.


Via beancounter2885

3. This worker was scared coming out to his boss will result in him getting fired. But the boss’ reaction was completely opposite.


Via lizertoast

4. A woman’s boss passed away and this is what she had left for her entire staff.


Via doppio

5. This boss fought for his employee who was being heavily underpaid and never said a thing about it.


Via Farhan Randhawa

6. This restaurant manager made sure his worker studied well.


Via yiss92

7. This boss helped his struggling worker get on top of himself by making his schedule flexible allowing him to feel relaxed.

Via LiquidMotion

8. An old guy came into this McDonald’s asking for directions to a specific place. The manager spent 10 minutes setting up the guy’s Google account, plugged the directions in the maps app, and sent him on his way.


Via Gjixy

9. This good boss started 3D printing face masks and distributed them among medical facilities where there was a shortage.

Via TeamLouie

10. The boss asked if any of the workers browsed stories on Reddit, this employee was the only one who said he did. He ended up getting this gift.


Via Karontu

11. A manager going out in style.

Via hoverbear644

12. The manager respects his worker’s praying duties and extends their lunchtime so they could pray and then have lunch.



13. This is so wholesome.

Via alexijielu

14. Not the boss but his boss left this letter on the worker’s desk after realizing he was having a bad day.


Via PineappleProstate

15. Yay, he finally got it.

Via JackLegJosh

These interactions between workers and their bosses are so hilarious and fun to go through. This restores my hope in people. Things haven’t been going too well recently. So going through content like this, realizing good still exists, makes me feel really good and I hope you are also enjoying this as much as I am

Let’s read through more examples of bosses being kind to their workers. Scroll down below to continue enjoying!

16. The restaurant this person used to work at was about to close without any notice of reopening, so the manager decided to give supplies to everyone so they don’t struggle without a job.


Via Fappy-McHandsome

17. The boss we all need.

Via bulletooftony

18. Just an ex-boss having funny conversations with their ex-worker.


Via Cioki1000

19. To stay motivated all employees require acknowledgement and respect. That is exactly what this worker gets fed by his boss.

Via Wristyplum

20. One boss created this masterpiece and placed it here for the other boss to see it the next morning.


Via speedk0re

21. When bosses show care for your emotional capacity, you instantly start feeling good.

Via clairewillett

22. Her husband had a brain tumor and returned home after 4 months. He required close care. This is a note her brother’s boss sent to the couple.


Via TinyTeaLover

23. All of this came in delivery one day. It was from his boss.

Via SoDakZak

24. This worker had terrible teeth and it required $10,000 to fix them. Their boss decided to take up all the expenses and they got it done for free.


Via born2stab

25. Her boyfriend was going through chemotherapy and had surgery due soon. One morning, she found this on her desk placed there by her boss.

Via timetospeakY

26. This boss’ unique way of making his exhausted workers feel relaxed is excellent.


Via SnapTalk

27. His boss only asked him if he played games. The next thing that happened was him receiving a brand new Xbox.

Via MabelOfTheRedSands

28. This worker had been helping their mother and was having a hard time managing everything. When their boss got to know about this the company sent all of this stuff


Via eatfrozengrapes

29. This wasn’t a note for the customers, this was a comforting note for the workers.


30. This is the boss every company needs to have for its workers in order to get the best out of them.


Via hawksmoormcr

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more goodness!

Via liquidreno

Dog tax.

“This old gal was just adopted from a nearby shelter by this older couple.”


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