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Guy Answers Furious Karen’s Questions Completely Honestly And Pushes All Her Buttons

Douchebagette Karen

Karens everywhere must be taught a lesson.

The rise of the “Karen” stereotype has become a hot topic in recent years, with many people sharing their experiences with entitled and rude people in public places. Karens appear to be everywhere, from demanding to speak with the manager to belittling service workers, and their treatment of employees can be particularly egregious. Furthermore, some people believe that simply working a specific job makes these employees inferior to others. Anyone who has ever worked in the customer service industry understands what I’m saying.


The following story is no different. Karens typically get away with their entitled behaviour because managers rarely support their employees, but this time a customer intervened. It was more like the woman mistook a customer for an employee and decided to demonstrate her entitled behaviour towards the original poster (OP) of the following story. Furthermore, since OP enjoys mocking Karens because they are frequently misidentified as retail workers, this was a perfect opportunity for them.

Scroll down to read how OP put Karen in her place.

Source: Reddit

I have noticed that Karens don’t like people who talk back or have a backbone.

OP apparently has a’retail face’ because they get mistaken for a retail employee quite a lot.


OP has become quite adept at dealing with Karen because of the ‘retail face, but this instance is a bit different.


This particular Karen was seen being rude to an employee for no reason, and she was basically an a**hole.


That is when her eyes fell on OP, and she waddled over to them.


The OP had already decided to be way too literal and deadpan with their responses, so the interaction started off perfectly.


Karen clearly couldn’t understand what was happening as the OP answered her as succinctly as possible.


The woman, of course, thought the OP was stupid for not understanding her command.


Via Reddit

Karen apparently wanted to find where the eyelash curlers were, but how was the OP supposed to know?


This is when Karen finally asked to speak to the manager, as we’ve come to expect from all the Karens in the world.


Karen was slowly losing her mind, and OP couldn’t have been happier.

While Karen needed to speak to the manager, OP’s manager was probably at home.


This is when the woman finally broke down and asked the all-important question.

‘Why wasn’t OP helping her?’ It was obviously because OP didn’t work at that particular store.


This is when the manager actually came to break the situation since Karen was getting loud by this point.

Karen was full-on shouting at this point because it was apparently all the OP’s fault that she was a dumba**.


Via Reddit

When the woman didn’t stop shouting, the manager called din security to haul her out of the store.

OP quietly went on with his business as he needed to buy some candles.


The last time OP saw Karen was when she wasn’t on the phone ranting about the incident to some unlucky person on the other end.

OP had to try really hard not to break down laughing, as I probably would not have held on for so long.


While we do have a summary of the event, the full story is too funny not to fully read.

I’m surprised Karen waited so long to call the manager. I don’t think I’d have had the patience to deal with someone whose responses were so literal and deadpan. I am also taken aback by this woman’s stupidity. I mean, how did she not notice that the OP was not an employee in the first few seconds? I’m glad the manager intervened and she was barred from the store. However, I doubt she learned her lesson, and she will likely portray herself as the victim when discussing this incident with others.

I imagine that this is what Alice felt like.


I think this will be my response every time someone says, ‘Excuse me’.

There were quite a few responses from OP that tickled my funny bone.

Sadly, I do think that people like this never change.

OP themselves also understand that she probably made herself out to be the victim by the end.

Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how the OP dealt with Karen? Were you ever mistaken for an employee by a Karen? If so, what did you do? Did you clarify the misunderstanding, or did you embarrass the Karen? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can enjoy some good old-fashioned justice as well.


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