Bullying is never okay, regardless of your age.
Bullying is a pervasive problem that can have serious consequences for people of any age. Recognising and addressing bullying is critical for creating a safe and respectful environment for all. Bullying should never be tolerated, regardless of age or circumstance. We can work towards a society in which everyone feels valued and respected by speaking out against bullying and encouraging kindness and empathy. To prevent future bullying, we must educate ourselves and others about its impact.
However, when I say “stand up to bullying,” I do not mean to try to talk it out with the bully. Because that usually doesn’t work. I’m also not saying you should be violent at the first opportunity, but sometimes it’s the only option left to show the bully that they can’t get away with their horrible behaviour. After all, they may think it’s all a joke, but bullying can have long-term consequences for its victims. So when the little boy in this story was caught hitting a classmate, his mother was not upset at all.
Scroll down to read the full story for yourself.
Source: Website
The woman walked into the school to pick up her child when she saw another kid crying and looking embarrassed.
As it turns out, there had been an incident, and the volunteer assistant said so to the mother.
Apparently, her child had hit someone, and thus the mother decided to help the teacher sort out this issue.
The kid started talking about what actually happened, and apparently, the big kid was pushing his friend around.
When he tried to stop the kid, the kid wasn’t listening, so he punched him hard.
Via Website
Everyone initially thought that the poster child was the one bullying the other kids, but that wasn’t the case.
Rather than punishing the kid, the mother gathered both of her kids and went to get them some well-deserved ice cream.
The woman realises that violence isn’t the answer and that it is better to ask for help from an adult.
However, this course of action is not always possible, and sometimes the only solution is punching someone.
The mother was clearly proud of her son for defending a smaller kid.
Via Website
After all, these are the sort of kids who grow up to be brave people who help others in need.
Human rights are an important issue, and no matter the age, bullying should never be allowed.
Now, I would never recommend hitting someone because it can reinforce negative behaviour in oneself at a young age. However, I think it’s great that the kid stood up for his friend, who was being bullied. Not everyone can advocate for themselves, so it is our collective responsibility to assist someone in need. That’s why I’m glad this mother didn’t get angry with him and instead got him some ice cream. He will undoubtedly grow up to be an excellent human being.
This is the aforementioned son in the story.
He is an adorable kid, and I have no doubt he will grow up to be a great person.
It is hard to find kids who will stand up for someone else.
However, this mother is clearly doing something right when it comes to parenting.
Via Website
People in the comments were on her side as well.
Finishing what other people started is a good trait to have.
There might be a reason behind the other child’s behaviour.
Fighting back is necessary at times.
A lot of kids get misunderstood because they don’t know how to communicate their feelings.
I do hope the other kid learned his lesson.
Nobody ever said that parenting would be easy.
Via Website
What are your thoughts about this story? Do you think the mother should still punish her son because he technically hurt someone? Or do you think it’s acceptable to use violence to protect someone? Comment below to let us know, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can participate as well.
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