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Mother Of 7 Children Demands Redditor Get Out Of The Elevator And Take The Next One, Gets Put In Place

mom of 7 children-featured

Nobody deserves preferential treatment.

I know some will disagree with me, but this is just my opinion. When I say this, I don’t necessarily mean that some people don’t do things that merit special treatment. That is not what I mean; what I mean is that no one should feel entitled to it. Don’t get me wrong: I understand how difficult it is to care for children and how chaotic it can be to take them all outside at once. And it’s great when someone is willing to give up their bus seat for you. Nobody, however, should feel entitled to such treatment. After all, you chose to have children, so why should anyone else be responsible for them or feel obligated to help you?


There’s nothing wrong with asking if someone is willing to, but most entitled people don’t usually ask; instead, they end up being demanding when it comes to what they want, as this story clearly shows. The mother of seven children was already having difficulty keeping them in line on the bus, but it only got worse when she arrived at the lift. Don’t get me wrong, I sympathise with her and would be frustrated if I had to deal with so many kids at once, but that is no excuse for her behaviour. So her demanding that the poster of this story get out of the lift so she can ride alone with her children is excessive entitlement.

Continue reading to find out how they responded.

Source: Reddit

I read the word demand and I am already on OP’s side.


It is already clear that all she cares about is herself and her ‘angels’.


She was already having a bad time and so was everyone else on the bus.


OP tried to be kind and kept the elevator door open for her.


Source: Reddit

However, she was pissed that OP wouldn’t get out of the elevator.


Other people had differing opinions about the situation as well.


We also got a bit more information on how she has treated other people including OP’s father.

Source: Reddit

I truly feel for her, and if I were in her situation, I would be extremely irritable when dealing with people. However, why does she believe that just because she has children, she is entitled to vent her rage on others? And the fact that this isn’t the first time she’s done something like this is mind-boggling. She just keeps walking all over other people, including elderly people, as the OP mentioned. So, while it may appear petty, I am glad that the OP stood up for themselves and gave her a taste of her own medicine. Because these people never learn their lesson, it is best not to let them walk all over you.

People in the comments were immediately on the side of OP as well.


Some people just want to get triggered by everything.

To be fair, some people just want to complain and that is about it.


This is so simple but people don’t understand this at all.

Source: Reddit

Exactly, It is a choice!


I feel for her but it was her choice in life.

I have no idea but I sure hope that is not the case.


To be fair, dealing with so many kids would make anyone a bit cranky but she takes it way too far.

Her kids, her responsibility.


Source: Reddit

What do you think about how this woman acted? Do you think she was entitled, or do you think she was just having a bad day and we should be patient with her? What would you do if you were in this situation? And have you ever dealt with someone like her? What did you do in that case? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends so they can chime in with their stories as well.


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