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Neighbor Wants To Report Dog Owner’s Large German Shepherd Dog, Gets Schooled On Reddit

Ah, the cacophony of barking from the neighbor’s puppies has stirred up quite the neighborhood stir. But before resorting to drastic measures, why not attempt a peaceful resolution through dialogue? Dialing 911 for every bark isn’t ideal. Perhaps the owners are unaware of the disturbance caused by their beloved pets. A calm conversation could yield positive results. And if not, local laws may offer recourse. Let’s hope it doesn’t escalate. However, our story takes a turn with a Redditor ready to report a neighbor’s German Shepherd for wearing a gentle leader, assuming aggression. The OP, oblivious to any aggressive behavior, seeks advice on the “Am I The A**hole?” subreddit. But their plan doesn’t sit well with fellow Redditors.


Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

1. OP asks if reporting his neighbor’s German Shepard for being around was okay.

via Reddit

2. OP’s new neighbor has a large German Shepherd, which exceeds the complex’s weight limit and poses a potential danger to residents.


via Reddit

3. OP considers informing the leasing office about the neighbor’s large dog, speculating that its gentle leader suggests behavioral issues. Would it be wrong to do so?


via Reddit

The story shows that rules are important for everyone’s safety. Even if a dog seems nice, it could still be a problem if it’s not allowed in the place. OP worries about the big dog in the neighborhood because it’s against the rules. They think about telling the leasing office. This teaches us to think about how our actions might affect others and to speak up if we see something wrong. It’s important to follow the rules to keep everyone safe and happy.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

4. Mind your own business and let your neighbor enjoy their dog.


5. Reporting a harmless dog shows pettiness and lack of compassion.


6. It’s not your place to enforce complex rules on others.


7. One should not ruin someone’s happiness over a trivial issue.


8. Assuming the weight was the dumbest thing OP did.


9. Plain and simple.


10. Don’t be a busybody OP, let people live their lives.


11. YTA because OP’s actions are invasive and unnecessary.

12. Behavior issue part had me thinking.


13. Focus on your own life instead of policing others.

14. Its clear that reporting the dog was petty and spiteful.


15. YTA, reporting a harmless dog is an overreaction.

16. OP does not realist that his actions are causing unnecessary trouble for the neighbor.


17. People are outrageous.

18. If that is the case, OP would have made it all worse.


19. Only if he understood.

20. OP made it all up.


What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

Cat tax

“Proof that my cat is my child and I did infact give birth to her.”

via Reddit


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