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Redditor Wins The Petty Sidewalk War And Made Sure The Neighbor’s Kids Lose At Their Own Game

Some people do wholeheartedly like to believe that revenge is best served cold, yet not every story requires the complexity we see in films and TV. This fact was proved by a woman’s simple yet effective method of getting back at her neighbors who were littering a sidewalk for more than four years. In this Reddit story posted to r/pettyrevenge, the parents of the children who were creating all this mess, dismissed all requests to have their children discontinue their horrible and careless behavior, In response, OP implemented a plan of revenge that accumulated for a while and burst one day to teach the kids a lesson. Here’s what happened:

Source: u/monstersof-men

#1) OP beat the kids at their own horrible game… Let’s see what happened.


#2) OP has been living in his neighborhood for six years and takes the same paths when she goes for walks every day.


#3) OP began noticing random piles of things on the sidewalk four years ago.


#4) OP has a short dog and also realizes that it could create issues with other people, so she would try her best to get rid of the pile.


#5) OP made a Facebook account and joined the neighborhood’s group where she found out that some kids were responsible for all that litter.


#6) OP began throwing everything they left out back inside their house.


#7) OP was the most surprised at the fact that the parents didn’t know what was happening, or didn’t care.

#8) One day OP saw a plastic tricycle, waited for the kids to be in the yard on another run and threw it full force back into the yard. Breaking sounds were heard and then OP told the kids off.


#9) OP kept walking and has not seen any pile of garbage after that day.

Source: u/monstersof-men

While many may appreciate OP’s approach to achieving revenge on behalf of the neighborhood, the lingering problem is the underlying issue of why the children in the neighboring household were mindlessly throwing away things over the fence in the first place. Children often view throwing things away as a means of solving a problem, much like shoving everything under the bed, or getting attention. Additionally, the privacy afforded by a fence may encourage them to disregard the consequences of their actions, resulting in a lack of accountability. Keep on scrolling to see what comments Reddit users left under this post:

#10) A user shares another hilarious story regarding fence dumping that his friend had to go through as a kid.


#11) Glad they learned a lesson and never dared to do it again.

#12) That would be A LOT of grass cuttings to deal with.


#13) Glad this user did something about it!

#14) OP is out here inspiring people one item at a time.


#15) That is so sad, oh my god.

#16) As OP should be.


#17) The parents should be playing an active role in this.

#18) I hope it also gets better for the children.


#19) Would’ve been a sight to see, for sure.

#20) Yeah, OP’s decision wasn’t really thought through, but all’s well that end’s well.


Hello! What did you think about this petty revenge story? Have you encountered a similar situation and a careless neighbor? What did you do? Leave a comment down below letting us know! Remember to stay tuned to Defused for more.


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