In this story, a 22-year-old woman living at home and attending university has taken proactive steps toward financial responsibility. She pays her parent’s rent, manages her expenses, and saves for driving lessons and a car. She got a credit card to learn about credit management, using it cautiously and paying off small balances.
Trouble arises when her brother and sister-in-law learn about the credit card. Despite having a history of debt due to excessive credit card use, they pressure the woman to let them use her card, claiming it’s “free money.” When she refuses, they escalate the situation, attempting to manipulate her parents into convincing her. The woman stands her ground, which led her father to kick out her brother, sister-in-law, and even her mother, who sided with them. The woman is caught in the middle of a family dispute, torn between her responsible financial choices and her family’s misguided expectations.
So keep on scrolling down below to read the whole story narrated by OP and make sure to read it till the end otherwise, you won’t be able to connect to the story.
1. OP doesn’t know about finances that much she’s a university student and pays off her parent rent too including paying for her phone plan and buying everyday stuff she tries to put as much as she can in her savings account
2. OP was currently saving for the driving lessons and she hopes if she passes it she will use some of her savings towards getting a car moreover, she’s in her final year of university so she is looking towards working full time when all of this happens.
3. OP decided to get a credit card so she can learn to manage her credit wisely moreover, her credit score is good and she has planned to use her card with a total adding up to 100 Euro.
4. OP does not plan to exceed her limit any time soon because she’s afraid of all the horror stories she has heard of people using their credit cards too much
5. Somehow OP’s brother and her sister-in-law heard it somehow and asked her if they could use it, they both have a history of excessive credit card use and debt so OP declined their request.
6. Few days later they stopped at OP’s mother’s house and started manipulating her mother to get the credit card when OP got to know about this she got really angry when her brother said she owed him this because he used to babysit her a while ago. OP laughed in their faces and walked out
7. When OP came home she got to know they had tried to manipulate her dad too but he kicked them out because he knew they were trying to manipulate her
8. Now OP wants to know whether she’s an A-hole or not, let’s find out.
9. Exactly, and how the heck would it be free money? They are highly manipulative by the way.
10. NTA
11. The father deserves to have a hug!
12. Do not share your credit card with anyone I repeat never!
13. OP’s dad is a saviour she should be proud of him!
14. OP needs to consider this advice as they were so desperate to get the card!
15. Literally no one said OP is an A-hole and we know why
16. Keep laughing!
17. OP is not naive and am sure she would take care of it
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