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Sister Refuses To Give Sibling’s Kids Back, Family Drama Ensues

Give kids back

Reddit user u/MoietTu123 shared that when her sister gave birth to twins, she instantly realized how difficult and challenging parenting is and gave up. So OP, the woman with heart, decided to take the twins in and took care of her. Soon after, OP’s mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. This resulted in OP’s responsibilities increasing even more. After realizing her sister was not going to do anything for anyone, OP also adopted the twins. After getting married and having a daughter with her husband, OP finally decided to move out of the house and shift her mother to a care home. This made the sister have some issues and demand her kids back as OP now had a daughter


OP told her sister she would allow her to visit the kids but in no way can she live with them as she does nothing at all.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/MoietTu123

1. The title makes me want to say AH but let’s not jump to any conclusion before reading the whole thing.


2. OP took on the care of her sister’s two kids because she got pregnant at a very young age.


3. The sister had no idea how difficult parenting was going to be and when it hit her, she gave up very quickly on the responsibility.


4. A little after the sister gave birth to the twins, OP’s mother got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease so the responsibilities on OP’s shoulder doubled.


5. To be honest, that is a lot of responsibility…a lot more than what should be in OP’s bucket.


6. OP made the decision to adopt her sister’s twins because essentially she had been the mother throughout. The sister raised no objection.


7. After their marriage, OP’s boyfriend happily accepted her twins.

8. When the twins turned 8, OP had her first daughter with her husband.


9. Even though the two were married and could’ve lived separately, OP and her mother decided to live with her parents because her sick mother needed help and support.

10. After deep consideration, OP and her husband decided to shift her mother into a care home and move out of the house themselves.


11. The decision was not liked by OP’s sister as she began demanding her kids back from OP.

What even? You cannot wake up one day and start demanding to become a parent all over again. The sister signed those adoption papers as if she didn’t give two sh*ts about her twins. She wanted to run away from the responsibility and she got what she wanted. She now has no legal right to get those kids back no matter what she does.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/MoietTu123

12. OP was in no mood to allow her sister to live with the kids, she wanted the linkage to only remain till visits.


13. OP argued if she was never going to do anything for anyone, why does she suddenly get to become a mother again?

14. The sister says now that OP has her own daughter, she should simply return her kids back.


15. To convince her, the sister even threatened OP to take legal action.

16. Because the sister got the whole family involved, OP took the matter to the AITA community to know not returning her sister’s kids back makes her bad or not.


Source: u/MoietTu123

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

17. Keep her away from your household…as far as you possibly can.

Via LemonAle11

18. You become a parent from the day you give birth, it doesn’t work on mood.


Via purplesky_12

19. It feels like she gave up within weeks. She doesn’t deserve those kids back.

Via Eastern-Worldliness

20. She is planning to take legal action but on what basis? She raised no objection when OP legally adopted the twins.


Via lonelyspren

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via DonutPlains

Cat tax.

“Jedo has a reduced adoption fee at the shelter where I foster. He’s a senior gentleman doing his best to be handsome!”


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