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Woman And Her Son Destroys Restaurant Property Because They Were Asked To Wear Masks


The story involves a situation where the original poster (OP) intervenes in a confrontation between a Karen and her unruly son who refuses to wear a mask in a supermarket. In this scenario, the story likely describes how the OP addresses the situation, asserting the fact that private businesses have the right to enforce mask-wearing policies without state mandates and people should follow it. It highlights the importance of following public health guidelines and respecting the rules set by establishments to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.

OP is a waitress at a restaurant that requires masks.


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Most unruly people did not follow the rule.


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The lack of a mask mandate resulted in people not wearing marks at all.


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OP had to enforce the mandate whatever was passed by the restaurant.


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OP spent her shift telling people to obey the mandate.


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People give different kinds of reactions to the order.

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A Karen at the supermarket was wearing the mask the wrong way.


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The Karen asked her son to wear mask.


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OP thought she is not a Karen.


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Son was not cooperating.

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The son did not stop when they asked him to cover up.


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The son ran away into the aisles and it pissed OP.

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Everyone was giving the son evil eyes on the deli counter.


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The son coughed on the lemons.

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The deli worker asked the boy to wear a mask.


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Karen explained he has it in the car.

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The Karen started debating about the law.


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The deli guy did not talk back.

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The deli worker advised the boy but he laughed.


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The mother snubbed his son and OP placed the order.

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While checking out, OP realized she is out of plastic wraps.


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People were complaining about the boy and his absence of a mask.

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Karen was still debating.


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Cher reassured he was speaking of their benefit.

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Karen thought its stupid to argue with these people.


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OP decided to intervene at this point.

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OP was wearing her unform too.


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OP intervened asking if there was a problem.

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OP said her script.


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Karen kept cutting OP and OP told her to leave.


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The boy started shouting at this moment and security is being called.


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The boy escalated and OP thought about the worst.

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Karen stopped her son and Chef intervened.


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The boy was destroying things and Karen left him there, later he realized he was alone and got terrified.

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Chet asked OP if she does not work here, OP told yes she doesn’t but she felt the responsibility, and Chet thanked her.


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He warned OP about the anti-maskers.

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Chet told that today’s incident was the worst.


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OP tells everyone to stay safe.

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