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Woman Caught Her Ex-Husband Cheating With Another Man And Told The Truth To Her Religious MIL

This story of a wife catching her husband cheat is on another level.

If you ever wish to read through some of the most intense family dramas, there is a whole corner on Reddit dedicated to such happenings. There’s a SubReddit known as “Am I the asshole?” which contains some of the best dramas you will ever read. The unmatchable Subreddit was born in 2013 and ever since it has formed a family of over 3.3 million members.

In this story, the wife caught her husband cheating on her. No, not with a woman but with a man. This man-on-man action meant the husband was gay and the couple decided to get a divorce based on this matter. Now one wonders why did they marry in the first place? It’s because the husband didn’t want anyone to know that he was gay, especially his family who is very religious.

The issue was the OP’s mother-in-law stood between her and her will to take the divorce and went on to harass her and force her to keep the marriage going. Having no other option but to side with the truth, OP revealed to her soon-to-be ex-husband’s mother that her son was gay. His family instantly disowned him as they had religious beliefs that make them stand against homophobia.

Scroll down below to read what happened.

This person seems very confused about identities. My guy does not consider life as gay as “normal” and married a woman he didn’t really love.


Via u/life_after_love

Wife decided to take a divorce, rightfully, but the ex-husband gave the wrong reasons to his mother, causing her to harass OP into staying into the marriage.


Clearly the bomb had not been dropped yet.

Via u/life_after_love

The MIL went on and advised OP to become more attractive. That’s when she exploded and the big nuke was dropped right on MILs head.


Via u/life_after_love

OP thought she didn’t do the right thing by outsing her ex which resultantly made his family disown him for being gay.


Via u/life_after_love

The family started treating him as if he never existed, as dead.


Via u/life_after_love

OP said him being gay was not a new discovery and he had a boyfriend for 6 months before they even met.


Via u/life_after_love

We would like to disagree with OP at one point. She thinks she is the AH for outsing his ex-husband in front of his mother as gay. I fully understand that the consent to reveal or hide your identity remains with you and you only. No one should tell anyone about another person’s identity until they themself are confident to come out. But, when you look at the internal story, that gay man decided to marry this woman only because he didn’t want his religious family to know he was gay. He was in an intimate relationship with a man before even marrying this woman and that is very unfair. She was just a tool, a shield to hide behind. You can only wait too long until the breaking point is reached. I believe OP did nothing wrong.

Here’s what the Reddit community had to say on this:

1. The foundation of the relationship was built on dishonesty. It was never meant to exist.

2. The ex-husband put himself into this position.


3. The biggest AHs in this story were the ex’s family.

4. People supported OP and were glad she found out about her ex and it wasn’t too late.


5. This point.

Outsing someone isn’t a nice thing to do but he didn’t really do anything to deserve OP’s confidence in him.


The community mutually agreed that OP was not an asshole. What do you guys think? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.


What do you think?