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Woman Pushes Plumber Down The Stairs After Mistaking Him For A Janitor As He Refused To Take Her Trash Out

not taking trash

Entitlement once again made a woman suffer. Reddit user u/Flex_2019 is a plumber who was working in a four-story building with his partner. While they were winding everything up and walking down the stairs with a bag of trash in his hand, a worker of the building came out from the third floor carrying down a bag of trash.


The woman wanted OP to take her trash down because she had an urgent business to take care of and had to return to her desk. OP told her he did not work for the building. She said he was dressed like a janitor so he should do it. OP cleared her that she is a plumber, not a janitor, and continued walking down the stairs. This angered the woman and she yanked OP as he stumbled down the stairs. She proceeded to accuse OP of s*ually as*aulting her as her coworker showed up. But OP’s partner had recorded everything on his phone. When the cops arrived, they were shown the footage and they arrested the woman.

Scroll down below to enjoy the story!

1. This topic is seriously so confusing. Let’s dig through the story.

Via u/Flex_2019

2. OP is an 18-year-old full-time plumber but says things have gone terribly since he has become one.


Via u/Flex_2019

3. OP was working in a 4 story building once. OP specifically mentioned it had one elevator that only the building workers used and there was a spiral staircase that was for everyone else to use.


I wonder why the mention of the spiral staircase was important. We will have to wait to find out.

Via u/Flex_2019

4. OP had just finished up and was wrapping up with his partner. There was only a trash bag and a couple of tools left to take out.


Via u/Flex_2019

5. As there weren’t any strict rules set by his boss regarding uniforms, OP was wearing normal clothes while on duty.



Via u/Flex_2019

6. While OP was walking down the stairs to end his day, a worker from the third floor also came out holding a trash bag. She scoffed at OP as he passed by her to grab his attention.


Via u/Flex_2019

7. OP apologized for bumping into her and continued downwards.


Via u/Flex_2019

8. Before OP continued she told him to take the bag of trash from her and take it out. OP told her he didn’t work for her building.


Via u/Flex_2019

9. She raised her voice and told OP he is dressed as a janitor so he is a janitor and he must perform his duties as a janitor.


Via u/Flex_2019

10. OP cleared to the woman that he is a plumber, not a janitor and these are two very different professions.


Via u/Flex_2019

11. OP ignored the woman and started walking downwards. That’s when she attacked OP making him stumble down the stairs, that’s how badly she yanked him.


Via u/Flex_2019

12. A coworker of the woman came out and she started screaming, accusing OP of hara*sing her.


Via u/Flex_2019

13. The woman’s coworker immediately called the cops.

Via u/Flex_2019

I actually cannot believe this. That woman is such a liar, oh my god. The accusation is so bad, she could potentially ruin OP’s life if the police arrest him. He is only 18 years old. This could have terrible consequences, does the woman have any idea? My god! I am now a little concerned. I cannot wait to know what happened next. Let’s find out. S*xual as*ault? Da*n it, man!

Scroll down below to continue reading!

14. That’s when OP’s coworker and best friend arrived at the scene.


Via u/Flex_2019

15. OP’s coworker had recorded the entire thing. He was hidden in the spital of the staircase, this is why OP mentioned it.

Via u/Flex_2019

16. The cops arrive and question OP and his buddy who said he had everything on record.


Via u/Flex_2019

17. He showed everything to the cops from the start till the end.

Via u/Flex_2019

18. All the blood left her body when the woman realized she had been recorded misbehaving with OP.


Via u/Flex_2019

19. The cops took the woman away and came back to ask OP if he wanted any help or to press any charges. He decided to press charges.

Via u/Flex_2019

20. OP took the woman to the courts and she served jail time. During this period OP had the think to think over the whole situation and realized how badly this could’ve damaged had his friend not recorded the incident.


Via u/Flex_2019

21. OP could have been jailed if you think about it.

Via u/Flex_2019

22. Had OP’s friend not been there, his life would have been ruined right there and then.


Via u/Flex_2019

23. A good measure!

Via u/Flex_2019

24. This is actually very nice of OP’s parents to teach him about this stuff so he can better deal with it from now on.

Via u/Flex_2019

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

25. So bad that she accused OP of such a terrible thing just for not taking her trash out.

Via TattooedSpine22

26. It really seems unbelievable what she tried to do.

Via k1r0v_report1ng

27. So unfortunate.


Via harrywwc

28. This would be so good!

Via redpandaeater

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via drakeXtheXsnake

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