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Man Refuses To Share 6 Million Dollars Inheritance With His Half Sister, Asks If He’s Wrong

Would you share your inheritance with someone you don’t feel any connection with?

Fights over inheritance is a common thing especially when you are asked to share your money with your half-sister. Today, we have a story of a guy whose grandparents left about 6 million dollars’ inheritance for him. A year ago, he got to know that he has a half-sister and his mother wanted him to share some of his money with his sister so she could afford her college. OP doesn’t feel any such connection with his half-sister that he could split the inheritance with her. Scroll down to read the whole story and why OP is reluctant to share the inheritance with his mother’s daughter.


Source: u/judgeme2313

1. OP refused to share the inheritance with a sibling.


2. Help OP.


3. OP discovered a year ago that he has a sister, Lucy.


4. OP’s father was aware of Lucy but OP was never told about her.


5. OP and Lucy are different people.


6. Here is the back story.


7. OP’s grandparents left their estate for OP.

8. OP got around 6 million from his grandparents.


9. OP’s mother wanted to share the wealth with Lucy.

OP’s mother should have told him about Lucy years ago so that he doesn’t feel this weird kind of connection with Lucy. Also, his grandparents always knew about Lucy, why they did not keep anything for her? Maybe, because they thought they would never need any money. But now she needs it, that’s why her mother has asked OP to share money with Lucy.

10. OP doesn’t feel the right type of connection with Lucy to share such a large sum of money.


11. OP’s mother thinks he is being selfish for not sharing the money with his half-sister.

12. What OP thinks:


13. OP’s grandparents knew about Lucy, yet they left everything for OP.

14. Lucy was adopted by great people.


15. OP is planning to start his own firm with that money.

16. Is OP the AH for being selfish or is he justified?


OP had 6 million dollars, if he gave some to his half-sister, we do not think it would affect him much. OP is being selfish for not giving Lucy some money to afford her college but he is right to some extent. Firstly, his mother should have always told him about Lucy so they could share a sibling kind of a relationship. Secondly, OP’s grandparents should have mentioned splitting the inheritance. What do you guys think about this? Is OP acting selfishly? Should he split the inheritance with his half-sister? Comment down “AH or NTA” to let us know your thoughts.


What do you think?