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Daughter Refuses To Share Inherited Money With Family, Gets Called Selfish

Have you ever wondered what would you do if you inherited a fortune from a loved one? Would you share it with your family, even if they treated you badly? Or would you keep it all for yourself, as a reward for your hard work and loyalty?


That is the dilemma faced by a woman who posted her story on Reddit, asking for judgments on her actions. After her fiance cheated on her with her sister and later dumped the sister as well, the parents decided to support the sister and took a stance against OP. This resulted in her cutting ties with her family and moving away. The only person who supported OP in all this was her grandfather who, when he passed away, left a fortune for OP in his will.

This was not liked by OP’s family who began demanding she split the money equally with them (both parents and the sister). OP refused to give them any money because of what they had done to her, and she didn’t want to disappoint her grandfather for doing so.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/Pretend_Canary_9411

1. Let’s find out.


2. Although OP got engaged with her high-school sweetheart, he ended up cheating on her with her sister.


3. And then within weeks, he dumped the sister as well.


4. After getting dumped, the sister had a nervous breakdown which resulted in the parents supporting her and taking a stance against OP.


5. The situation made OP abandon her sister and her parents and move away to the other side of the country.


6. The only person who supported OP in all this was her grandfather.


7. Things started to get good for OP but then her grandpa got sick and, unfortunately, passed away.

8. That is actually a very nice decision…a mature decision.


9. Oh wow, the grandpa left OP a lot of money in his will and something, not so considerable, for everyone as well.

10. OP had no idea her grandfather had saved that much in the entirety of his life.


11. OP’s parents did not like this at all.

What are the parents mad about? Their daughter went away because of them. They supported her sister, the woman who cheated with her fiance. And now when all of a sudden OP has a lot of money, and they now want her. They are definitely going to make attempts to get their hands on that money.

It is OP’s money and she can do whatever she wants with it. Let’s see what happens nex. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/Pretend_Canary_9411

12. The parents want OP to split the money equally between her, them, and her sister.


13. They are of the thought that OP doesn’t need all that money and that is why she shouldn’t have it.

14. OP, though, does not want to give them any of it.


15. For all that they did to her, OP feels her family doesn’t deserve her help.

Source: u/Pretend_Canary_9411

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

16. You should not give even a single penny to the family that has been so terrible to you.


Via FinnFinnFinnegan

17. He is watching from up there, don’t disappoint your grandpa by sharing your money.

Via YourGoddessMisty

18. Not one bit.


Via MapleLeaf5410

19. He videotaped it because he knew very well the character of his son.


I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Jerry Gidner

Dog tax.

“Announcement on Southwest flight: “Uh, it appears someone has lost a dog,” followed by this flight attendant and friend.”


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