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Couple Disrespects Obese Woman Who Purchased Two Airplane Seats For A Comfortable Flight

Entitled people just don’t want to understand other people.

The rationale is something we should all respect. If someone can back something they have, that seems a little weird, with rationale then it should be allowed because they have robust reasoning for doing what they do. And normally, people do respect other people’s rationale and this is how the normal social order works in our society, with the exception of entitled people. The problem with entitled people is that they have this ego-related problem that makes them think they are superior to all other human beings. And that’s the reason why they don’t listen to anyone, don’t even try to understand what the other person is saying. They just want to do what they have in mind and do it as quickly as possible because they know if they get into an argument with someone sensible, they will end up losing it so they use abusive methods to get done with whatever they want to do as soon as possible.


In today’s story posted by u/Tessy23 on Reddit, the same issue has been talked about. OP is a significantly heavy person and doesn’t feel comfortable on the standard airplane seats as her sides touch the passenger next to her and it creates an awkward situation. So on her recent flight, she decided to book an extra seat next to her own so she can sit comfortably and no one has to feel awkward about her sides touching them. Unfortunately for her, an entitled couple who were separated by seat numbers saw this extra seat and the boyfriend left his seat and sat on that free seat next to his girlfriend.

What happened next is for you guys to read. Scroll down below to read how this entitled couple made OP uncomfortable on a flight.

1. An extra seat? Giving it up? Lots of questions to be answered so let’s dig right in.


Via u/Tessy23

2. It seems like OP has a problem traveling given how small the seats would feel to her given her weight.


Via u/Tessy23

3. Well if she has the money to purchase the next seat, why shouldn’t she. It makes her feel comfortable and doesn’t create any awkwardness which otherwise gets created when her sides touch the passenger sitting next to her.


Via u/Tessy23

4. This is kinda sad. Why give nasty looks to someone whose weight isn’t in their control.


Via u/Tessy23

5. Okay what? Why would they just sit on random seats without even asking or checking?


Via u/Tessy23

6. I don’t think OP should feel embarrassed about her sides touching this person because he is not in his seat. He is sitting in her seat. He has no right to be there and if I was in her place, I would’ve purposefully pushed my sides into him.


Via u/Tessy23

7. I smell entitlement. And quite a lot of it.

Via u/Tessy23

8. I think entitled people weren’t born on the day god installed the feature of “understanding other people’s problems” in humans.


Via u/Tessy23

9. Enters the scene, an authoritative personality, and the entitled crumbles right away. They are such cats.

Via u/Tessy23

10. There is no solution to this. Such people will always exist and we just have to live with that.


Via u/Tessy23

11. No. No. No.

Via u/Tessy23

In no way OP was the asshole in this situation. It was her seat, she paid for it with her own money and had all the right to keep that seat empty because you can do whatever the hell you want with what you own. Entitled people cannot tell us what we should do, I mean who the hell was that person to come sit on someone else’s seat because he got separated from his GF. The dumb person should’ve selected the right seat beforehand.

I feel so bad for OP that she felt bad about what happened. No, she should be confident in herself and should know that these people can only be dealt with with high confidence and tons of logic.

No one can strip us away from our rights. No one.

Here’s what the community members had to say:

11. For what that nasty woman said, even she should’ve been stripped off from that seat.


Via u/Tessy23

12. Flight attendant did the right thing. There is no need to boost these entitled people’s egos. They must be put in their places as quickly as possible.

Via u/Tessy23

13. OP should follow this strategy. Buy an extra seat and put a piece of paper, stating all information, on it.


Via u/Tessy23

14. Even if you don’t sit on the seat, you bought it so no one is entitled to sit on it except you.

Via u/Tessy23

15. Her seat, her authority.


Via u/Tessy23

16. Everyone on Reddit declared OP clean and declared that couple the AH.

Via u/Tessy23

17. As simple as that.


Via u/Tessy23

18. They acted horribly to OP. OP deserves an apology from them.

Via u/Tessy23

What do you guys think about it? Was OP in the wrong for buying an extra seat separating some passengers or was that boyfriend wrong for sitting on a seat that belonged to OP as they had purchased it with their own money. Share your thoughts and votes in the comments section down below.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Stay tuned for more.


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