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Dad Gives Away His Teenage Son’s Beloved Cat For Ruining His Carpet, Son Retaliates

Dad Gives Away His Teenage Son's Beloved Cat For Ruining His Carpet, Son Retaliates

If you cannot take full responsibility for a pet, it is better to give it away.

Pets are a responsibility; you cannot leave them unattended in your house. You are responsible to keep them clean while keeping your house clean. No one wants their cats to be pooping around the house. A Reddit user got a cat for his son about one and a half years ago. OP’s son got close to the cat really quickly. OP was glad that the cat would keep his son away from the teenage stress but the only problem OP had with this cat was she didn’t know the difference between a cat litter box and a carpet.


The cat would poop everywhere in the house. OP had a talk with his son but he would never clean the cat’s poop. OP was tired of cleaning and one day, he gave the cat away to his aunt. When OP’s son learned that the cat is gone, he was sad and stopped talking to OP. Scroll down below to read the complete story.

1. OP’s son has a cat named “Cataloupe” that he loves a lot. It has been 1 and a half years that he had this cat.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

2. OP was glad that his son had a pet to help him with the teenagehood stress but the cat didn’t know the difference between a cat litter and a carpet. She would often leave surprises everywhere in the house.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

3. OP thought that the cat would adapt to using the cat litter but he did not. OP was tired of picking his piles.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

4. OP even talked about it to his son but it didn’t work out. The cat kept shitting everywhere in the house so OP got rid of him and gave him away to his aunt.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

5. OP is feeling terrible about it but he was embarrassed to bring his girlfriend over because of the cat.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

6. OP has taken the cat to the vet and has tried many diets but they didn’t work out.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

7. OP made an edit to tell people that the cat is not gone forever and OP can visit his aunt to meet the cat.

Via: u/avocadotoast9u

OP has done everything to train the cat but the cat did not learn. He did the right thing to give the cat away but he should have talked to his son about giving away the cat before giving it to his aunt. This way his son would not have reacted this way. He should still talk to his son and explain to his son why was it important to give the cat away.

8. OP thinks that he can be TAH for the following reasons:


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

9. OP couldn’t let his house be a litter box and gave it away. Also, OP’s son should learn that if he wouldn’t take care of something, it would go away.

Via: u/avocadotoast9u

10. When cats do not use the litter box, the owner has to let them be outdoor cats.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

11. OP has done the best for the cat and his son can visit the cat whenever he wants.

Via: u/avocadotoast9u

12. OP’s son was not being responsible so it was better for the cat to go to a good home.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

13. OP’s son was old enough to clean up after a pet.

Via: u/avocadotoast9u

14. OP chose a carpet over his child’s happiness.


Via: u/avocadotoast9u

The Reddit community has given mixed opinions. Some think that OP did the right thing to give away the cat while others do not agree with this thought. Some believe that OP chose his carpet over his son’s happiness. What is your take on this? Let us know in the comment section down below!

Here’s a cat tax for today:

Via: u/emstha98

“Everyone keeps saying how cute my kitty is, so I thought I’d post her on here”


What do you think?