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BF Accuses GF Of Being A ‘Gold Digger’ Because She Won’t Pay Extra Rent

One such instance is this thread from Reddit’s Am I The Asshole, where users may ask us, the general public if they are the ones who are being an A-hole in particular circumstances. u/sofny-98 (or OP; for Original Poster) asks if it’s appropriate for him to expect his girlfriend to “pay her fair portion of the rent” in this situation. Let’s start now. Below is the story by OP in her own words. Don’t forget to read the comments of the Redditors at the end of the post. Scroll down to have a good time.


1. A dissatisfied medical resident sought advice on Reddit over his disagreement with his partner, who earns twice as  much as him.



2. OP comes to the conclusion that the girlfriend should also pay for the rent more than him as she is using more rooms


3. But the girlfriend thinks it’s not fair of her paying more and both of them should be paying the rent equally


Now that you have read the story. it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say on this. It is obvious that the boyfriend is being inappropriate. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

4. The Reddit community declares it a YTA case


5. I think the same


6. True


7. This is what all of us have been thinking

8. Yeah same


9. This is a good insight into the discussion

10. The income disparity here is some issue here which should not be let go unnoticed


11. OP replies to what people have been commenting about the whole thing

12. It seems like the girlfriend is gonna break up with him


What is your take on the story? Do you agree with the behavior that OP showed? What would you do if you were in her situation? I think that the original poster is at fault. Do share your opinion with us. If you want to read more such articles on our website, keep visiting us!

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