
IT Employee Automates His Entire Job And Works Just 10 Minutes A Day From Home

There is a saying that says something like, “Always choose a lazy man to undertake a hard job because a lazy man will discover an easy way to do it,” and it is frequently ascribed to people like Bill Gates and Walter Chrysler. It is debatable as to which of them truly said (or was the first to say) this line of words. Nonetheless, the sentiment is valid in many situations that call for innovation: When there is a person who will invent a technique to accomplish something twice as efficiently, why hire the person who is happy to do things according to the book?


Now, the good capitalist in you presumably believes that you would want to be informed about the innovation if you were the owner of the company in the aforementioned instance. In this manner, you may reduce costs and lay off half of your workers while maintaining the same level of output. This IT specialist discovered a way to automate his profession but chose to keep it a secret because it allowed him to work from home in just 10 minutes per day. See screenshots of this fabled narrative below by continuing to read.

OP automated his job and it’s been a year now


This is how he managed to do it all


Sometimes I felt guilty but then it didn’t.


Here’s an edit to the story


The edit continues



Some more answers for the Reddit community


Now that you have read the story. it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say on this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.



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