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Redditor’s 4 Year Old Daughter Calls Out Her Grandma For Her Toxic Behavior

generational pattern starting to break

The world is very dynamic now, changes come about every other day and the uncertainty levels are at an all-time high. Everyone has to be aware of their surroundings, everyone must be able to correctly distinguish between right and wrong, and certainly, stand up for themselves when they are in the right. The traditional generation patterns are not idealized anymore because they were mostly about the elders being supreme even if, at times, they would be wrong. The younger would just have to abide by whatever the adults would say and I personally believe this pattern is part of the reason why we are where we are today; in a turmoil as a society.


However, it is safe to say that these generational patterns are being broken into pieces by the new generation. The new generation is smarter and well aware of what is right and what is not. They are confident in terms of defending themselves when an adult tries to make them conform to their norms. In today’s story, we see an example of such a generation pattern being broken by a 4-year-old girl.

Reddit user u/PrincessAxley shared that her daughter who got wrongly yelled at by her grandmother decided to stand her ground and made her apologize for being rude and wrong. Yup, that did happen.

You can scroll down below to read how it all went down.

1. Times are changing and so are patterns of life.



Via u/PrincessAxley

2. OP’s daughter got yelled at by her grandma for slamming her tricycle into the fridge.


Via u/PrincessAxley

3. The 4-year-old didn’t hesitate to call her grandma rude and also demanded an apology.


Via u/PrincessAxley

4. OP was fully ready to back her daughter up but the grandma had already apologized.


Via u/PrincessAxley

5. OP was happy that her daughter was calm and stood her ground. There is nothing wrong with that.


Via u/PrincessAxley

6. Kuddos to the daughter for raising her voice against the wrong and to OP for supporting the right side.

Via u/PrincessAxley

This, honestly, satisfied me to the core. The grandmother literally didn’t see the event happen, she had no idea what had happened in the kitchen but just because she was the elder, she thought scolding the child for absolutely no reason will work out just fine. Unfortunately for her, this child was self-aware and didn’t hesitate in letting her grandmother know that times have changed and that now every person will be held accountable for being wrong.

I am a happy man!

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

7. No one is perfect. Adults, too, can make mistakes.


Via ohsoluckyme

8. The generational patterns really are starting to break for the good.


Via an0n3m0u5

9. Rules are rules for everyone…


Via themcjizzler

10. Good parenting must always be appreciated.

Via NaBacLeis

11. While some are born with smartphones and tablets in their hands, there are also children who are well aware of their surroundings and know the difference between right and wrong.


Via PeachiMichii

12. We all loved it.

Via dendriticbranch

13. It is safe to say the Redditors absolutely loved the story and wanted more.


Via Vandelaylndustries

14. Why do I find this comment oddly hilarious?

Via Reddit

15. I hope they can sustain a bright future.


Via TrueEpicness

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Roger Tarre

Cat tax.

“After my emergency surgery, she stayed like this most of the day when I got home.”


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