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Homeowner Dealt With Thieving Neighbors By Planting Prickly Bushes In Their Front Yard

The sweet taste of victory can come in many forms, and for one Reddit user, it was in the form of fresh raspberries and juicy strawberries. In a previous post on the subreddit r/AmItheAs*hole, the user, who we’ll call OP, had shared their frustration with their neighbor’s children constantly trespassing on their property and peering into their windows. Despite multiple attempts to confront the neighbor and ask them to keep their kids away, nothing seemed to work. That is until OP decided to take matters into their own hands.


After seeking advice from fellow Reddit users, OP decided to plant a wall of blackberries and raspberries along the sides of their garden that faced the driveway. They strategically placed the bushes about 30 cm from the edge, ensuring that there were no overhanging branches. To reach the tomatoes and strawberries on the other side of the berry wall, one would have to walk through the fruit bushes or walk around the side of OP’s house. It was a clever way to deter the children from entering their property without permission.

For a while, it seemed to work. The kids were no longer walking around OP’s house, and they hadn’t entered their garden either. But when berry season arrived, things took a turn. The kids couldn’t resist the temptation of the juicy raspberries and strawberries and were caught stealing from OP’s garden. OP immediately put a stop to it, telling them off and informing their mother of their actions. However, the real test came when the neighbor’s husband and two sons were caught picking berries and clearing OP’s plants. But this time, OP didn’t confront them. Instead, they called the cops and started filming.

1. Would OP be an A-hole for planting prickly bushes in his front yard to keep his neighbor’s kids away from his property? Keep on scrolling down to find out.



2. OP was asked for an update on Reddit’s AITA subreddit



3.  To reach the tomatoes and strawberries from the driveway you have to either go through the fruit bushes or walk up to his house, and that is something you do by mistake.



4. For about 2 weeks it was quiet but he still found the kids on his driveway every single day



5. OP caught the boys picking and eating raspberries so he told them off and dropped them off at their home and told their mom that they were stealing and if he catch them again doing that he’d call the cops.



6. After that it was quiet for some time until yesterday afternoon when OP went out for a while he found a dad and his 2 sons right in the middle of his garden, OP didn’t confront them he just called the cops from a distance



7. Cops confronted the neighbor and told the neighbor that they were trespassing and that the berry picking was indeed considered stealing


8. After a while the cops came by OP and asked if he wanted to press charges



9. OP is now getting an extra camera installed, and one neighbor knows that OP is done messing around.


This was it, folks, this was the story let us know what you think about it down below in the comments section, and make sure to like and share this article with your friends and family and stay tuned for more content like this with Defused. Thank You!


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