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Woman Reported Neighbors Because Their Newborn Baby Kept Crying

Living in shared spaces, you don’t have much say on what the other person can do and not do, you just have to live with it. They are cheaper than a house for a reason. If you complain about your neighbor being loud, you should make sure you yourself aren’t doing the same thing.


Reddit user u/Artistic-Ad7661 who lives in a duplex got into trouble with her neighbors living downstairs because of their newborn baby. She had an issue with their newborn baby crying all the time. So much so that she reported the crying baby along with its parents to the landlord.

When the landlord enquired about the matter from the neighbors, they reported OP for her dogs barking all the time and playing loud music at night.

Scroll down below to read about this fussy situation as OP shared the matter on the subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” to know if reporting the newborn’s parents for their baby crying was the right thing or not.

1. What else should newborns do besides cry to communicate?


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

2. Everything was going well for OP until her neighbors living downstairs in the duplex had a baby.


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

3. The neighbors had their baby after many attempts and they did, the mother posted all about it on Facebook and that’s how OP got to know.


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

4. Since the baby’s birth, OP has had to deal with a lot of baby crying and noise coming from the neighbors’ flat.


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

5. OP has tried telling the neighbors to keep it down but that never worked, so she reported them to the landlord.


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

6. The landlord talked to the neighbors who reported OP to him for her dogs barking loudly all the time and her playing music at night.


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

7. OP then had a confrontation with the neighbor when she said it is her dogs that make her baby wake up and it starts crying because of it.

Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

8. She informed OP about the dogs continuously barking loudly while she is not at her apartment.


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

9. OP said she can’t control her dogs when she is not home. She told her neighbor she should’ve axpected this living in a duplex.

Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

That’s it, there you have it. I would declare OP the AH and would never change my mind in a million years. We just read her tell her neighbor that she should’ve expected this kind of stuff. This means OP wants her neighbors to be okay with her dogs barking all the time and playing loud music. Well, then why does she have a problem with the neighbor’s baby crying? What else should she expect from a baby who just came into this world? To be civilized? To not cry because OP upstairs gets a headache? OP is just being two-faced here.

Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

10. OP told the neighbor she cannot be asked to change her life and that they would have to deal with her dogs barking and her playing loud music at night.


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

11. The neighbor only wanted OP to respect their shared space and try to control the loudness as much as she could.

Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

12. OP was not ready to listen to anything and kept throwing counterarguments at her neighbor so the neighbor decided to slam the door on her and end the interaction.


Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

13. When OP shared this story with a friend of hers, the friend called her an AH for being rude to struggling new parents.

Via u/Artistic-Ad7661

Here’s what the AITA community members had to say about this:

14. Hypocrisy at its best.


Via loverlyone

15. You reap what you sow. Be good and receive good.

Via No-Names-Left-Here

16. You shall face the consequences, OP.


Via BuffaloDifferent2771

17. My mind went to dark places but let’s just ignore that.

Via dibblechibbs

18. Got em’!


Via neoprenewedgie

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via g0dzilllla

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