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Guy Starts Screaming At A 6-Year-Old For Stealing A Banana At Family BBQ

uncle's BBQ

Anger management is a serious problem.


Many people struggle with anger management, and when they lose control, they have no idea how to deal with the consequences. However, just because you may have a problem does not mean you can use it to justify bad behaviour. I’m not sure if the guy in the story has anger management issues, but it’s clear that he needs to get himself under control. Or he’s just a jerk who enjoys flaunting his power in front of everyone? And it appears that the best way for him to do so is to compete against a child. You may be perplexed, but you will quickly understand what I mean.

OP and her family were at a family BBQ, and OP’s child was also there. When we go to a family gathering, it is fairly common for us to eat there as well. After all, it’s a family barbecue, right? This guy, on the other hand, was irritated that the 6-year-old grabbed the banana from the basket. I understand that doing so without first seeking permission is wrong. However, it is not as serious as this man made it out to be. It’s only a piece of fruit, but this guy blew up and began bullying a young child. I’m not sure how he didn’t realise what he was doing was heinous, but he persisted, and the entire family gathering ended in disaster.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down below.

Source: Reddit

She might say she caused it but the actual story is a bit more complex.


Apparently, her family loves hosting events.


And this wasn’t a surprise either as the guy has always been prickly.


However, it went downhill when her daughter grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.


The guy lost his mind and started calling the kid a thief.


Anyone in this situation would be angry on their kid’s behalf and she was no different.


He even wanted to call the police on the kid.

He wanted to report the kid for the crime of stealing a fruit.


As stupid as that sounds, he said all of that with a straight face.

Are we sure he is an adult?


I understand why she is feeling guilty. After all, he is elderly and thus easily irritated. Although I wouldn’t consider that an excuse. He should never have yelled at a child. And if he was that concerned about a banana, he could have talked to her mother instead of causing a scene. I believe he got what he deserved, as it is clear that no one in the family liked him in the first place. And all they wanted was a way out. This is what happens when you play with fire and discover the consequences of your actions.

People in the comments were 100% on her side.


They were surprised by how horrendously the man acted.

He doesn’t deserve to have family around him.


I can’t understand what he was thinking either.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think she should have stayed at the gathering to avoid adding to the drama? Or do you believe she made the right decision by leaving? What would you do if you were in this situation? Let us know what you think in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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