Divorces can be emotionally draining.
Whether it is because you have to divide your finances between your partner and yourself, or because you are grieving the loss of your significant other. Not to mention the other people who are impacted by this during the process. I am sure we are all aware that children may struggle to understand why their parents divorced in the first place. Today, however, it is all about in-laws and how they can be affected by their children’s divorce. After all, there are times when the in-laws begin to regard their child’s partner as their own kid, and it can be extremely difficult to let go of that feeling if the child divorces.
And this is exactly what is happening in this story. OP, you see, had a great relationship with his wife at first. They were high school sweethearts who had known each other for quite some time. Things seemed to be going well at first, but that soon proved to be a lie as the woman began to change. That may seem surprising, but it happens more often than you might think. People change over time, and the person you fell in love with may no longer exist in a few years. Some people manage to get through it together, while others choose to live their lives separately.
You can read the entire story by scrolling down below.
Source: Reddit
We can already tell from the title that he isn’t in the wrong at all.
Their relationship was always close and so were their families.
They dated each other for a whole and got back together after taking a break.
We also get a bit more information about the financial situation.
It seems that they had to deal with quite a few issues at the start.
And when her Father lost his business, they helped him in any way they could.
Things were going well until COVID hit and she began to change.
Things ended with a divorce and she got half of everything.
However, she recently learned that her father is still living with him.
She expects him to set up her father with some money so he can relocate.
I could understand her position if she just missed her father and didn’t want to come to OP’s house to meet him. However, she had no idea her Father had been living with him for quite some time. And why does she expect him to give her father money in order for him to leave? Isn’t that supposed to be her problem? It is clear that she does not care about her father and is acting petty. I can only hope that the Father in question realises this and does not leave.
Unsurprisingly, other Redditors were quick to point out her lack of responsibility.
She truly does not care about her own Father even though he helped her so many times.
And she is to be fair acting like a child.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe the ex-wife is being petty? Or do you believe the father should relocate? What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in with their thoughts as well.
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