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Mother Demands Her Newborn Child Be Accommodated For Christmas By Putting Parents’ Dog In Basement

How would you deal with a situation when you are made to choose between your dog or your grandchild? It is a tough decision, I won’t lie about that. But this isn’t a simple question for anyone, of course, the context has to be understood before the decision. For instance, if the grandchild is a newborn, then the decision-making might be a tough process. What if the dog has behavioral issues and tries to attack or bark at the newborn every time he sees it? Yup, the decision is just getting tougher and tougher.


In today’s story, parents of a bulldog were made to choose between their dog or their newborn granddaughter not by any person but by a situation that arose. Reddit user u/Imaginary_Grand_5541 shared that because it was her newborn’s first Christmas the whole family was getting together for the grand dinner; members from her family and her in-laws. OP’s parents have a bulldog who hasn’t managed to get on comfortable terms with OP’s daughter despite multiple attempts made by everyone. The dog starts barking at the little girl. While at the house OP requested the dog be taken to the basement while the girl was around to make sure no one got hurt. However, at the time of the dinner OP didn’t realize her parents had brought the dog back upstairs. Their mistake got the girl in danger as during dinner it started barking at the newborn who started crying.

OP’s husband got into a heated argument with his in-laws as the whole house divided on the matter. Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/Imaginary_Grand_5541

1. I know we all say little babies and pet animals are always meant to be together but the case is slightly different when it comes to those babies who have just arrived on planet Earth.


2. It was OP’s newborn’s first Christmas and the whole family was going to get together. OP was really excited.


3. OP’s parents have a bulldog that the family has been trying to get comfortable with the newborn but he always gets overstimulated around her and starts barking or approaching her vigorously.


4. OP and her husband asked if the dog could be taken to the basement when their little girl was around. The demand wasn’t liked but the decision was implemented half-heartedly.


5. OP made it clear that she loved the family bulldog but was also firm about the fact that he had some behavioral issues. Something that could be problematic when we bring the newborn into the situation.


6. OP’s parents try to get this under control by giving him treats but that’s about it. You can only give so many treats.


7. One time when they were all at the dinner table, OP didn’t realize the dog was upstairs on the same floor with them. And it happened. The dog started barking at OP’s daughter and she started crying.

Giving the dog treats to calm him down is a solution I won’t deny it but it isn’t a permanent solution. Perhaps, if this is how they want to control him, he will soon get bored of the treats. And then they would have to come up with something that they even haven’t thought of yet. This is not the way to go about it. If they don’t know how to counsel their dog’s behavioral issues, then the best action plan would be to just listen to OP and put the dog in the basement when the little girl is around. But, they didn’t listen to that either. They had the dog upstairs during dinner and it started vigorously barking at OP’s daughter. The girl started crying and I think OP is going to lose it now.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/Imaginary_Grand_5541

8. OP quickly grabbed her daughter and took her upstairs. Her husband got angry and started yelling at his parents wanting them to take the dog to the basement or a different room where he could not approach the girl.


9. A heated argument ensued as OP’s parents made it very clear that it was the dog who everyone should accommodate and not the other way around.

10. There was a major divide between everyone present at the house. While OP’s FIL tilted towards supporting the girl, her parents kept the dog on the floor and made their stance very clear by doing that.


11. OP had to ask the AITA community to know if what she did made her an AH or not.

Source: u/Imaginary_Grand_5541

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

12. Imagine if things had gone beyond barking…who would have been responsible then?



13. It is okay to be proactive rather than reactive in such situations…just keep the dog away when guests come over.

Via TheOneAndOnly75

14. That is what OP’s parents are…bad dog owners.


Via puhpuhpasss

15. The fact that OP’s parents stood their ground to support their terribly trained dog over their newborn granddaughter is beyond me.

Via eatthebunnytoo

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via imgur

Dog tax.

“My dogs appear to have merged this morning.”


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