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Redditor Gets Berated For Playing With Kids By Neighbor Who Just Can’t Stand Screaming Kids


OP took Annual Leave to enjoy the UK heat and host a family BBQ. While playing a water gun game with their niece and nephew in the backyard, a neighbor complained about the noise. Despite being in OP’s property during daytime hours, the neighbor insisted they quiet down. OP, considering it’s their space and daytime, chose to continue playing. The neighbor’s demand seemed unreasonable in this context.


In summary, OP wonders if they were wrong for continuing the game despite knowing it disturbed the neighbor. The situation unfolded during a family BBQ on OP’s property in the middle of the day.

Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

The description seems vague to understand but lets see what the story unfolds.



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OP enjoys UK heat on Annual Leave, hosting a family BBQ for kids in the backyard during a warm afternoon.


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Niece and nephew, both 7, played on the trampoline for hours. OP sprayed them with a water gun in a fun game.


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After 2 hours, a neighbor shouted to ‘shut the kids up’ as she worked. OP continued, as it was daytime in OP’s yard.


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OP responded it’s daytime in their backyard, continuing the game with their niece and nephew. AITA for causing neighbor disruption.


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OP played with niece and nephew. Neighbor dislikes noise. OP persists, as it’s daytime in their backyard.


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This story shows that OP, wanting to have fun with their niece and nephew during the day in their backyard, faced a neighbor’s complaint about the noise. OP explained it’s daytime, and they are on their property, so they continued the game. It teaches that sometimes, people have different opinions about what’s acceptable noise. OP tried to be considerate, but the neighbor still wasn’t happy. It’s important to find a balance between having fun and being mindful of neighbors. Everyone can enjoy their space, but being understanding of others helps create a peaceful community.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

ESH. You should’ve toned down the noise when the neighbor asked. They also could have been more patient.

It’s your property and daytime. Your neighbor needs to understand kids will make noise during playtime.


Daytime noise is expected.

You could’ve been more mindful, and your neighbor could’ve been more accepting of daytime noise.


Many Redditors claim that both parties are at fault here. OP should’ve considered your neighbor’s request, and they should’ve been more lenient.

Again the same opinion we have here.


People with kids have a YTA opinion.

What do you think?


Somehow, you’re entitled to enjoy your Annual Leave, and daytime noise is acceptable.

Was it immature?


Both of them could find a compromise to keep it down.

Screaming is something everybody would be annoyed of.


OP should not have had deliberately done that.

That’s tiring.


More people go by this conclusion.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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