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Neighbor Annoyed After Woman Takes In His Stray Cat Which Seems Neglected For A Long Time

It is evident that animals’ senses are far better than human’s, so they are drawn to those who love them unconditionally. People who have a sensitive nature feel bad for the animals who are left untreated or are abandoned in harsh weather on open streets, while others do not notice these animals as they are busy with their own struggles in life. Everyone should spare some time to understand the nature and living things around them, as there are many creatures who need our help in the form of food and care.


OP was attached to the street cats and gave them food and shelter in her garage. Many of them moved away after getting fed, but some of them stayed for a safe place. OP found a thin old cat who was covered with fleas and wanted to stay inside the house. OP took care of him and cleaned him well. He stayed with OP for many days but eventually died in her dining room. After his death, OP found that the cat was his neighbor’s pet and felt sorry for him. Read the full story about OP’s distress and share your thoughts down below.

Source: Reddit

1.OP thought she was giving shelter to a stray cat, but it turned out things were not as she thought.


2. OP used to feed stray cats but never adopted any of them since most of them were in need of food rather than shelter.


3. OP began taking care of an old, thin cat that seemed to enjoy staying in his house. However, the cat passed away in OP’s dining room, so her husband buried it.


4. After three weeks, a neighbor came to search for his cat. When he learned about its death, he got upset from OP and her husband.


5. OP took the cat in for treatment as he had fleas, taking proper care of him. After the cat’s death, a month later, the neighbor asked for his cat and got upset, leaving OP unsure if he had made the right choice in taking it in.


6. Yes, it seemed strange that the neighbor left the cat to wander off by itself in search of food and shelter.


7. The neighbor came to ask about his cat from OP after one month when he realized that the tuna he used to put out would go uneaten every time.

8. The cat was much happier at OP’s place than at the neighbor’s, where nobody bothered to look after him.


9. According to the user, the neighbor had no right to get offended if he had left his old cat to roam around on his own.

10. The cat must go on a diet now lol!


11. Truly, not looking for his cat for one whole month clearly shows how unconcerned the neighbor was about his cat.

12. The neighbor needs to understand that OP deserves gratitude for providing his cat with the appropriate care in his final days.


13. If someone is important in your life, you don’t need months to feel their absence.

14. The amount of fleas on the skinny cat gave OP the impression that it was a stray cat. No one would treat their pet this way if they truly love it.


15. Although it didn’t seem like a loss for his neighbor, OP wanted to express his regret to him.

16. Yes, stray animals should be admitted to animal shelters, where they can get proper food and medical care.


17. OP should not feel bad about it because he provided the old cat with love and care that his neighbor was unable to offer.

18. The stray cats loved coming to OP’s place frequently, as he had been taking care of them for a long time.


19. OP should explain to the neighbor that if he knew, he would have informed him about the cat.

20. Indeed, the owners are responsible for providing their pets the care they require.


There were many stray cats in in OP’s neighborhood who were left alone there in hot summers or cold winters without proper food. OP felt concerned and provided food and shelter to many stray cats in his garage but the neighbor’s cat liked staying inside his house. OP couldn’t resist the poor old cat who actually wanted a safe place to die. If OP knew that it belonged to his neighbor, he must have told him about the cat. The neighbor’s reaction to the demise of the cat was natural but he should understand that it was not OP’s fault.

What is your opinion about the situation OP got himself in and whether he should apologize to the neighbor? Share your thoughts about it in comment section. Stay tuned to Defused for more stories!


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