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Divorced Mom Of Four Kids Kicks Out Her Parents To Safeguard Her Children, Causing Family Drama

family drama

Divorce can have a significant impact on children.

Children in divorced families frequently face unique challenges and emotional struggles, which can have an impact on their well-being. These children may feel insecure, confused, and lost as they adjust to new living arrangements or navigate complex family dynamics. In some cases, it is even worse, particularly if one of the parents is using the children as pawns to achieve their goals. I know it sounds terrible, but I’ve read far too many stories about parents who don’t care about their children and use them as toys to get back at their ex-spouse. It is truly heartbreaking to see children caught in the middle of their parents’ disagreements.


Now, I understand that relationships can have deep underlying issues, and you may even despise your partner for what they have done to you. However, why must innocent children be involved in the mess of their parents’ divorce? When parents instill hatred for their ex in their children, they are only destroying their children’s future relationships and worldviews. This behaviour is toxic and damaging, resulting in more harm than good. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens in the following story. The poster’s ex-husband is determined to make the kids hate her new husband.

Scroll down to read the full story and understand how OP’s parents get involved.

Source: Reddit

This is going to be a doozy, so strap in.


This story concerns several people, including OP, her ex, her kids with her ex, and her new husband.


The relationship with her ex was strained, to say the least.


Her new relationship is completely different, but her ex had other plans.


Her ex is using their kids as pawns to get back at her.


Via Reddit

He has filled them with so much hate towards OP’s husband, and it is clear in how they interact with him.


This whole drama included a lot of custody battles as well.

Thankfully, things seemed to be getting a tiny bit better.


The kids were finally being at least a tiny bit civil towards Andrew.

Her parents, however, didn’t know about the whole dynamic, so she warned them.


Via Reddit

Even after telling them, they proceeded to use the language that OP knew would set off her children.

Although she isn’t sure whether she was in the right for doing this.


And so she came to Reddit, asking for advice.

If I ignore all of the drama with the ex and the kids and focus solely on what happened with the OP’s parents, I have to say that she may be slightly wrong. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with her taking precautions to avoid things getting worse, but as she herself stated, her parents don’t live with her.

This means that they are unfamiliar with the dynamics of her familial relationships and may have made an error. She could’ve been more patient. However, she had already warned her parents, so they should have known better as well.

Most people sympathised with her situation.


But there isn’t much she can do about it.

Via Reddit

However, it is clear that she is trying her best.


Her parents should have been careful.

She was handed a bad batch of lemons, so she is making the best lemonade she can.


Her parents might have thought they could change the minds of the kids.

If the parents had only apologised, this could have been resolved.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts about how she handled the situation? Do you think she was overly hasty? Could she have been more understanding when dealing with her parents? Or do you believe she was simply doing what was best for her children? What would you have done if you were in her position? Please let us know in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can weigh in with their thoughts as well.


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