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Neighbor Throws Tantrums After Redditors Dog Chased His Chickens Out Of Their Yard

Dogs are widely cherished for their loyalty and protective instincts, making them a beloved choice for both security and companionship. Even without formal training, they instinctively bark to alert their owners of potential dangers. Owners deeply value their dogs, often considering them integral members of their families. Many diligently train their canines to remain vigilant, always ready to signal any unusual activity, including potential intruders. Dogs excel at patrolling their territory and safeguarding it against trespassers.


OP was the owner of two dogs, one of which had a louder bark than the other. He never felt the need to restrain them with chains while they roamed freely within their yard and the area around their two houses. These dogs proved invaluable in helping OP control pests like rats, lizards, and even snakes that ventured from the nearby pond. Meanwhile, OP’s neighbor kept chickens but neglected to confine them to their coop. On one occasion, one of these chickens wandered into OP’s yard and caused damage to his plants. Upon hearing from his mother that the neighbor was furious over the incident, blaming OP’s dogs for attempting to harm the chicken, OP became concerned about the situation. To discover how OP reacted to this scenario, read the full story and share your thoughts below.

Source: Reddit

1. OP believes it’s not his responsibility if his dog chased the neighbor’s chicken and caused it to become frightened when it wandered into their yard.


2. OP and his family owned two dogs that roamed freely in their yard, which was enclosed by a high metal fence, and they were never chained.


3. OP’s dogs assisted them in identifying various critters, including snakes, lizards, and rats, in their yard and the vicinity of the two houses. They also growled at strangers who tried to enter without permission.


4. According to OP’s mother, their neighbor became furious when her chicken flew into their yard, leading to the dogs chasing and barking at both the chicken and the owner. The situation was diffused when OP’s mother intervened and calmed the dogs.


5. OP discovered that their neighbor’s chickens frequently visited their yard, causing damage to their plants. While OP’s mother was troubled by their dogs’ behavior, OP blamed the neighbor for failing to confine their chickens to the coop.


Now that you’ve read the story, let’s delve into the opinions shared by Redditors. Keep reading to explore different perspectives on the situation.

6. Indeed, the yard belonged to the dogs, so it’s understandable they reacted to the intrusion.


7. The Redditor’s support for OP is justified, as it was indeed the neighbor’s responsibility to ensure her chicken remained within her property.

8. OP explained that her neighbor was screaming for her chicken’s life as she couldn’t find it, and OP’s mother rescued the chicken after calming down the dogs.


9. Indeed, it would be beneficial if OP’s neighbor learned from the incident and took steps to control her chickens more effectively.

10. They must have found the situation exciting or exhilarating in some way!


11. Of course! Neither dogs nor chickens would change their natures; their owners should be wise enough to protect them.

12. The Redditor supports OP for confining his dogs to a closed yard and blames OP’s neighbor for failing to prevent her chickens from entering their domain.


13. If OP’s mom doesn’t arrive on time at their next encounter, this scenario could indeed unfold.

14. Exactly! Chickens tend to roam if not properly confined to their area, while dogs consistently protect their territory.


15. That’s correct! OP’s dogs are fulfilling their role by guarding their territory from intruders.

16. Obviously! By allowing her chickens to roam freely, OP’s neighbor was running the risk of the chickens getting hurt by someone else.


17. Yes, the neighbor should have built a chicken coop to protect them from entering the dogs’ territory.

18. If the chickens are left alone and alive by the dogs, only then!


19. The laws may be the same, but people’s nature varies.

20. Indeed! It’s natural for dogs to bark and chickens to cluck—nature cannot be changed.


OP’s neighbor expressed frustration to OP’s mother, suggesting that OP should leash his dogs instead of allowing them to roam freely. OP’s mother, concerned about maintaining good relations with the neighbor, was dismayed by the dogs’ behavior. However, OP clarified that his dogs were within their property bounds, and any incidents involving the neighbor’s chickens were solely her responsibility due to her failure to contain them. This situation highlights the potential risks of free-roaming chickens and the importance of responsible pet ownership. What are your thoughts on OP’s stance to allow his dogs freedom? Share your opinion in the comments below, and stay tuned to Defused for more updates.


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