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Guy Puts Evil Neighbour’s Loud Arguing To An End With Genius Solution

Loud Neighbours

Anybody can go through ab*se.

Emotional and physical ab*se can affect people of all genders, regardless of societal expectations or stereotypes. Even today, many people believe that males cannot go through any sort of ab*se because they are typically physically stronger. However, that is an out-of-date and incorrect thought process. Because of these stereotypes, some people never come forward as victims. After all, they do not want the world to perceive them as ‘weak’. That is why we must provide equal support to anyone who is suffering at the hands of an ab*sive partner, regardless of gender.


Everyone, regardless of gender, deserves to feel safe and supported. By breaking down these stereotypes, we can foster a more inclusive and understanding society in which all victims feel empowered to seek assistance. However, when victims do not come forward for a variety of reasons, in these cases, onlookers must ensure the person’s safety. That’s exactly what this thread’s original poster (OP) attempted to do while also dealing with the noisy neighbour issue. It was like hitting two birds with one stone.

Scroll down to read the full story for yourself.

Source: Reddit

We can all do much more than just look from the sidelines when someone in front of us is getting ab*sed.


OP has been living in their house for a while, and things were going well until the girlfriend of the neighbour moved in as well.


While the neighbour himself seemed like a nice enough guy, the same couldn’t be said for the girlfriend, who was always shouting obscenities.


She didn’t care who heard her, as she regularly verbally ab*sed her boyfriend at all hours of the day, making it so OP couldn’t even get any sleep.


OP talked to her about it, and on the surface, it seemed like it worked until OP was woken up once again.


Via Reddit

Most of the neighbours around the crazy woman’s house were getting tired of her antics as well, so OP decided to start recording her screaming.


Then one day, OP put all the recordings with the screaming and vulgar language on a loop just so the woman could hear how crazy she sounded.

Apparently, it worked, and things have gotten much better for every neighbour on the street.


I am so glad the OP recorded the woman screaming. It not only demonstrated to the woman that she was speaking nonsense, but it also provided the OP with evidence against her. I am confident that the boyfriend will appreciate it when the time comes.

Furthermore, a few people in the comments suggested that she give a copy of the recordings to the police, which I believe is a fantastic idea. I mean, this doesn’t seem like a healthy relationship, and I hope the guy leaves as soon as possible.

People like her never like to admit their mistakes, so I am guessing it took a while.

I hope the guy gets away from the woman as soon as possible.


Via Reddit

That is the important question!

However, sadly, she is still with him.


Who needs a cape when you’ve got a speaker?

I do think she should have handed over the logbooks so the woman could get into some trouble.


However, according to the OP, the authorities already know everything.

Via Reddit

I am not sure if that is the best idea since he can always ask for it from OP when he wants.


Now I am imagining it too, and it’s hilarious.

It is always kind to lend your support to a person in need.


I am not sure the woman would agree.

I hope he stays safe and gets out of the toxic relationship.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how OP dealt with the situation? Do you think they could have done more for the guy? Or do you believe this is sufficient to demonstrate to the woman that she cannot continue to engage in such behaviour? What would you do if you were in this situation? Please let us know in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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