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Daughter Refuses To Let Her Freeloading Mother Live With Her, Asks If She’s Wrong

Parents are not always perfect.

I understand that most people grow up seeing their parents as ideals, but as you get older, you realise this couldn’t be further from the truth. While parents play an important role in our lives, we must recognise that we are not required to meet every expectation they may have of us. Setting boundaries and prioritising our own well-being is critical for maintaining a positive relationship with our parents. Remember that it’s acceptable to prioritise your own needs and desires, even if it means defying traditional expectations.


I’m not going to sit here and say that it isn’t a child’s responsibility to care for their parents; it certainly should be, especially given how long parents care for and provide for their children. However, this only applies if your parents have been good to you and have not been leeching off of you their entire lives. I wish I was making this up, but there are many parents out there who believe their children owe them financial and emotional support simply because they gave birth to them. This expectation is the main focus of the following story.

So scroll down to read the entire post for yourself.

Source: Reddit

Making a decision that could possibly leave your mother homeless would make anyone worried.


Right off the bat, OP is clear that her mother has never been a fantastic person, let alone a good parent.


Her mother has always been a bit of a freeloader and even put OP in debt, as OP was forced to pay quite a few bills throughout her life.


OP thankfully moved out when she got married, and her mother was left to her own devices.


Everyone around OP’s mother slowly but surely cut her off, and she was stuck living with her parents because of this.


Via Reddit

When that didn’t work out either, OP’s mother now had to move to a motel, but she obviously ran out of money quite quickly.


Now she is asking OP to let her stay with her for a while until she has a bit more money or her loan comes through.

OP isn’t sure about letting her mom live with her, even for a few days, as she thinks it will just open a floodgate for the future.


I understand how difficult it can be to say no to your parents, especially if you know that your refusal may result in them becoming homeless. However, it is not the original poster’s (OP) responsibility to always care for her mother. The woman is a fully grown adult who must learn to live with the consequences.

I recognise that many people are struggling financially these days, but that is no reason to rely solely on your children. Not only that, but OP’s mother has previously acted as a freeloader. So I believe the OP should stick to her guns and not open that door, as she will come to regret it in the future.

People in the comments were quite adamant that OP shouldn’t let her mother live with her.

Poverty truly is horrible.


Via Reddit

Her situation is sad, but it is not OP’s responsibility anymore.

I understand that OP feels bad, but she has her own family to care for now.


The woman can’t expect that everything will be handed to her on a silver platter all her life.

She will eventually have to learn her lesson the hard way.


Exactly! OP owes her nothing.

Via Reddit

This shows learned behaviour, and it doesn’t seem like it will change anytime soon.


The only way to improve the situation is to force her to change.

Once a freeloader, always a freeloader.


To be fair, she doesn’t sound like a responsible adult at all.

I am 100% sure that she will elongate her stay by making excuses.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on what OP should do to help her mother? Do you think she should let her mother stay with her for a few days? Or do you believe she should cut off her mother as soon as possible? What would you do if you were in her situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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