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Employee Calls Karen’s Bluff After She Says She Knows The CEO

Working in customer support is not an easy job.

You need to have your happy voice on and deal with rude customers constantly for hours. It can be exhausting. Some people think that the employees working in customer or tech support are directly responsible for whatever problem they are facing with their company products and let out all their rage on the poor employees. Guys, customer support has nothing to do with your products malfunctioning or not satisfying you. Their job is to guide you and try to resolve your issues. It doesn’t hurt to be a decent human being, especially if you are requesting help from the same person. I don’t understand how people can be so rude to customer support technicians. They are employees, not your personal punching bags.


There are several types of people a customer support technician comes across. But the kind they fear the most is a Karen. Karens are almost impossible to deal with since they are very loud and aggressive. However, they also seem to lie a lot to intimidate employees. But this person on Reddit found the perfect way to deal with a Karen who lied that she knew the CEO. Scroll down below and read the whole story:


The employee was working as a supervisor, dealing with upset customers who didn’t think their appeasement was sufficient.


That is when Karenzilla walked in, starting the conversation with “F***ing took you long enough!”


Without even trying to talk to the employee, she started threatening them that they knew the CEO and can get them fired.


However, the employee knew exactly how to deal with her and turned the tables almost immediately.


They asked her to directly talk to the CEO since that is a more effective path of escalation.


She filed a complaint later. Classic Karen behavior. Her complaint was dismissed.


This is why lying will never get you anywhere good.

That is actually a very clever technique to get rid of aggressive Karens who don’t see a decent way of handling a situation other than threatening employees and using lies to intimidate them. I am sure this customer will think twice before lying and claiming to know CEOs again. Tech support employees, take notes! You can handle the situation perfectly well while keeping yourself composed.

This is how other Redditors responded to the story:


I am much better at getting myself fired.

It really is a clever and effective response.


You are just doing me a favor.

This person is winning at life.


It is great advice.

This can work too!


Have you ever dealt with a Karen during work? How did you manage the situation? Share your stories with us in the comments below!


What do you think?