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Choosing Beggar Roommate Hasn’t Paid Rent For Three Months, Refuses To Move Out


Living with someone isn’t easy.

Many people have roommates, especially when they are in college. After all, it is the best way to get out of your parents’ shadow and learn what it is like to be an actual adult. Living with someone else teaches you to be considerate of others and to empathize with those in need. However, this is all hypothetical, and it only works if your flatmate is decent and not out to take advantage of your good nature. Don’t get me wrong: I understand that financial situations can change in an instant and that finding a stable job in this day and age can be difficult. However, just because you aren’t doing well in your life doesn’t mean you can drag others down with you.

However, this is precisely what the poster of this story’s flatmate is doing. The flatmate, you see, lost his job four months ago and has been late with his rent ever since. I understand his predicament, and it is very kind of the OP to give him some breathing room to get his act together. Even after the poster did that, the flatmate was quite lazy and did not make any effort to get his affairs in order. And it’s not like he didn’t have time to try to fix the situation. Rather than doing so, he continued to act as if he were the victim, despite the fact that this was not the case.

You can read the rest for yourself by scrolling down below.

Source: Reddit

The age-old story.


However, these situations do happen more than you think.


OP has been clear from the start.


However, the roommate hasn’t taken them seriously at all.


Anyone would be stressed in this situation.


So while the roommate is saying that they will pay.


OP can’t trust them easily considering their past.

If you didn’t read the full story, this might help.


But the story didn’t end there.

And thankfully they are evicting the roommate now.


Most people would not give a flatmate this much time to get their act together. It was very nice of the OP, but it was also not very intelligent. After all, most people will take a mile when given an inch. It is sometimes necessary to be ruthless in order to avoid being taken advantage of. As I previously stated, finding work is difficult, but from what I can see here, he did not even try. And I understand how easy it is for people to become burnt out and want to do nothing, but that is not the responsibility of the OP. The flatmate should have asked his family or friends for help sooner rather than later. However, evicting him now may be preferable because he will continue to behave in this manner in the future.

People in the comments also advised OP to kick out the roommate.


Or they can move out themselves.

If the roommate really wanted it, they could have done something.


This is why it is good to be ruthless sometimes.

What are your thoughts on the situation as a whole? Is it preferable for the original poster to evict the flatmate? Or do you believe he should give him a second chance? What would you do if you were in this situation? Please let us know in the comments section below. Don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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