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Parents Call Their Daughter A Brat After She Cried Over Birthday Candles

Birthday Blowing Candle

Life can get really stressful at times. Things stop making sense and you kind of get stuck, you don’t know where to go next and that is when you enter that “tough time” phase of life. During such a period of life, those who can help you out are your family members and friends. They have to make all required efforts to get you out of trouble, it is their responsibility if you ask me.

In today’s story, that is exactly what these parents tried to do for their daughter but their very own choices made the matters even worse than before. Reddit user u/birthdayaitaaccount shared that their eldest daughter, Zara who is 23 years old, had been going through a really tough time so they decided to throw her a surprise birthday party in hopes of making things better for her. Zara was actually having a great time at the birthday party however when the time came to cut the cake, one of her nieces blew almost all the candles before Zara could do it. This resulted in Zara getting angry and leaving the scene. OP’s parents ended up calling her daughter a selfish brat for what she did.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/birthdayaitaaccount

1. Kids do take birthdays very seriously so there are a lot of factors we will have to consider here, one being age. Let’s jump in.


2. At the center of this story is a 23-year-old woman, Zara.


3. Because Zara was going through tough times, the family decided to throw her a surprise birthday party.


4. Zara was having a great time until the cake arrived. When she went in to blow the candles, her young niece did it first and blew almost all the candles.


5. Everyone laughed at the event but Zara got angry. She blew out the remaining candles, started crying, and then left.


6. The niece who blew out the candles, her mother got really upset. Zara’s family tried calming her down.


7. When OP finally talked to Zara, they actually called her a selfish brat crying about not being able to blow candles at the age of 23.

Source: u/birthdayaitaaccount

I am sorry, parent, but this was all done by you to make sure your daughter could actually leave her stresses behind and engage in something that would relieve her tensions. But, the entire family ended up laughing at an event that Zara actually cared about. It was all about blowing the candles for her that day. She would have been so happy had the birthday been executed perfectly and she was actually having a great time in the beginning. Calling your daughter selfish for crying is exactly what is going to make things even worse for Zara. Good luck handling that.

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

8. It was planned.


Via gloomgore_

9. It was about a person going through tough times and wanting to enjoy themself to the fullest.

Via HelicopterThink9958

10. The birthday could have turned things around for Zara but the family did not let that happen.


Via CrystalQueen3000

11. Perhaps Zara’s parents are the reason why she was going through a tough time.

Via KitKat_05

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories.


Via Arielle Dineen

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