People in this era where everyone is working hard need to understand that demanding free stuff is just straight-up rude. It is already hard enough to ask for free stuff when someone is doing a promotion. But going out of your way and asking someone to give their things or services for free? That needs a lot of courage and not everyone can do it. Don’t get me wrong, I am not at all glamorizing this sort of stuff. After all, everyone needs money and likes don’t pay for one’s food. However, it seems some people don’t have common sense and that is how we end up with stories like these.
I think we have all read several experiences where artists or any creative person aren’t deemed worthy for any pay. And you would think, this will change after a while. But the Internet is the same as always. Filled with people asking for free stuff all the time. Well, I use the word ask but it is more so demand. That is why we have compiled 20 of the most heinous choosing beggars you will ever see in the wild who asked people to babysit their kids for free and lowest wages. Scroll down till the end to see the audacity of such horrible people.
1. Suing your unpaid babysitter as he accepted a fatherly role? What are you, a monster?
2. Look at the horrible list of requirements and then the pay
3. I don’t know where do such people come from
4. It’s better to be a factory worker than take this as a job
5. They have the audacity to be the choosing beggars and then block you for calling them out
6. I cannot believe people can stoop this low
7. 15 per hour is the minimum wage for any profession and this..
8. Nothing comes free, Mam
9. I have 5 acres fenced pool and a fishing lake; 50 dollars a day is my rate, says the grandmother, and then she is asked that her price is very high. Unbelieveable
10. Nice usage of phrases to get your aim achieved
11. Denying what you said yourself and then blocking the babysitters is what horrible people do at the time of paying
12. People stooping low like..
13. We fed you so we don’t owe you anything that’s left, what’s this point?
14. I am amazed by the enormous list of requirements
15. Cannot agree more with the first comment under the post
16. You should definitely be over it
17. Is this a house advertisement or a low-paying babysitting job ad? I am confused
18. Why don’t people realize it’s hourly wages that must count
19. The courage and shame to write the last line, though.
20. When you are greedy and disgusting yourself, you project it to others like this.
via Chelsi
Some people can never change, right? So, what do you think about this article? Make sure to give us your feedback in the comment section. Please share with us your experience if you ever met with any horrible choosing beggar and how you dealt with it. Stay connected to us at defused if you want more stories like these. Beware of scammers. Stay safe.