Rules and policies are set in all organizations. Their main purpose is to keep everyone operating within a set boundary so they don’t engage in anything that can be disastrous for the company or for that person. It also prohibits you from doing anything that is illegal or hurts the interest of anyone in the organization. But sometimes you have to ignore the policy and take unpopulous decisions for a fruitful outcome. Something similar happened in the story we have got for you guys today.
This one office employee who worked in the IT department for a company got approached by his executive to fix his laptop. While fixing OP found a hidden folder in the laptop that contained some old pictures. Now the policy is to delete any personal content found on office computers but OP decided to go against the policy and shift the pictures to the laptop’s desktop. After fixing everything, he returned the laptop and went back to his desk.
A little while later the executive along with his wife who had come to the office for lunch approached OP at his desk and thanked him dearly for finding those pictures. The pictures were of their son who had passed away from leukemia at a very young age.
Scroll down below to read one of the most emotional stories you will ever read.
1. Titles that don’t reveal much are the ones that excite you the most for the story.
Via Reddit
2. An executive approached OP to fix his laptop bypassing the standard token system set because he was, of course, an execute. OP found the issue and corrected it.
Via Reddit
3. When OP went to return the fixed laptop back to the executive, he didn’t accept it. He wanted OP to fix all the other issues it had as well. So he took the laptop to his own desk.
Via Reddit
4. While cleaning up the laptop thoroughly, OP found a hidden folder in the laptop. Curiosity made him want to check out its contents.
Via Reddit
5. Why does the executive have personal pictures on his office laptop?
Via Reddit
6. OP decided to not follow the policy and simply moved the pictures to the desktop instead of deleting them.
Via Reddit
7. OP finished fixing the laptop and returned it to the executive and also informed him about the pictures he found.
Via Reddit
8. What happened suddenly?
Via Reddit
9. The suspense has me on edge.
Via Reddit
10. It was the pictures. The couple was extremely delighted that OP had found those pictures for them. The executive was so happy that he hugged OP in front of everyone.
Via Reddit
My heart…who is cutting onions here? I am so happy that OP didn’t delete those images. I mean that child was only in the memories of the executive and his wife since they lost the photos. And now they can physically look at him once again. The pictures are really impactful and I am so glad these images got recovered.
Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading.
11. The pictures were of the couple’s son who had passed away because of leukemia. My heart…
Via Reddit
12. The emotions are too strong in this one.
Via Reddit
13. Aw, this is so sweet.
Via Reddit
14. Sometimes, you have to ignore the rulebook. Look what it ended up doing for OP’s executive and his wife.
Via Reddit
Here are some of the comments shared on the story:
15. This really was so horrible. I felt so bad.
Via Werewolf35b
16. Tender loving care is way too powerful and impactful.
Via Poncho_au
17. Attaboy, they totally are.
Via twtechdude, googahgee
18. Oh yes, just imagine if OP had followed the policy and deleted those precious images.
Via konaya
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via TheGospelOfMark
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