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Employee Who Got Forced To Take Vacation Early Maliciously Complies And It Costs Company $100k

Take Early Vacation

As a boss, you should know very well which employee is working at what position, who are your key employees that you cannot afford to lose or make angry, and who are you supposed to promote or fire, a basic idea should exist in the boss’ mind. But if a boss has no idea about this basic information, then things can get very problematic, as they did get for a bad boss who messed with a worker who was appointed at a very key position.


Reddit user u/–Morgoth– had informed his boss months ago that he would be going on a vacation in August. A little while later, however, his boss forced him to take his vacation in June as he wanted to take his vacation in August. OP got ordered to change the password of the security system before he left and he decided to maliciously comply by changing the passwords and not telling anyone what the new passwords were. OP left for two weeks in June and the part-time tech workers ruined absolutely everything while he was away. They crashed all the systems and locked accounts that couldn’t be retrieved because no one knew the passwords, and it cost the boss $100,000. The boss certainly learned something new that day.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down.

1. You make your employee feel uncomfortable, your employee will make sure you feel uncomfortable too.


Via u/–Morgoth–

2. So the boss being nice or bad is purely dependent upon chance.


Via u/–Morgoth–

3. That is so not nice, and if OP had some proper plans set up for the vacation then having to shift them 3 months back is not something you can easily get done.


Via u/–Morgoth–

4. OP took his vacation in June and because he was holding a very key position, his absence made the business suffer.


Via u/–Morgoth–

5. Before OP took his forced vacation, he got ordered by his boss to change the passwords of the system. And he complied.


Via u/–Morgoth–

6. But with compliance OP added a bit of maliciousness to the mix by not telling anyone the password before leaving. The bad boss didn’t bother asking either.


Via u/–Morgoth–

7. And in those 2 weeks, the part-time workers ruined basically everything, costing the boss $100,000.

Via u/–Morgoth–

Why do they never understand it the easy way? Why do bad bosses have to always learn it the hard way? And this time the boss created the hard way for himself, he forced OP to go away and it caused a massive disaster at the company. OP probably saw it coming as soon as the boss said “I know what I’m doing”. He had no reason to care whatever happened, after that.

A beautiful way to maliciously comply with a bad boss’ orders. Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

8. Unfortunately, though, firing those part-time workers won’t bring those $100,000 back, boss.


Via u/–Morgoth–

9. That day the bad boss learned a solid lesson to never make your workers take their vacations early.

Via u/–Morgoth–

10. I was going to say you can easily lose cards but when I read “laminated card”, I thought to myself, this boss really is dumb.


Via u/–Morgoth–

11. Wait for the annual meeting, surely the boss will have to accept his mistake because then the numbers would speak for themselves.

Via u/–Morgoth–

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

12. This boss had to lose $100K to understand that.


Via Tenpat

13. That’s what bad bosses are known for doing.

Via metalbassist33

14. This is the only formula that explains his behavior.


Via Acer018

15. For one, a cheerful event. For the other, a massive loss.

Via MageVicky

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Beeka-Beeka-Chuu

Cat tax.

“I feel like my sister’s cat is plotting to kill me.”


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