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Guy Wants Neighbor To Let Him Play Drums In His Garage At 4 AM, Gets Schooled

electric drums

It is never easy to deal with noisy neighbours.

As someone who enjoys listening to loud music, I understand how annoying it can be when others tell you to turn it down. However, there is something known as common human decency, and one should know when to keep quiet. After 10 p.m., listening to loud music or even playing an instrument is considered impolite. This is less of an issue if you have a basement or if there are no houses nearby, but if there are, you must keep quiet at certain times. And, while it is possible to have issues that limit your ability to relax at inconvenient times, the responsibility still falls upon you.

This guy, on the other hand, does not understand this at all. You see, he has a competition coming up, so he needs to practice on his drums. While that is all well and good, he can only do it at 4 a.m., which does not sound like a fun time for the neighbours. Even though I sleep late, I would be irritated if someone in my neighbourhood was playing loud music in the middle of the night. As a result, when his neighbour came down to ask him to stop, he didn’t really pay attention.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down below.

Source: Reddit

Right from the title, we can see that he doesn’t understand the issue.


OP has always been allowed to play drums and the neighborhood usually supported him.


However, last night they had enough and they came to say as much.


OP was quite angry at the interruption and didn’t take her seriously.


However, I do believe her coming over when she is sick is a safety hazard.


He explained that electric drums are not as loud as acoustic ones.


So he was quite surprised that the neighbour could hear him at all.

To be honest, all I can say is that this guy comes across as very entitled. I recognise that he is still young, but that does not excuse his behaviour, and he is an adult. It’s not surprising that his neighbours want him to stop, because I don’t think anyone would be okay with this. He claims that the electric drums are not as loud as the acoustic drums, but since the neighbour heard them, the point is moot. While it’s unfortunate that the neighbour was ill, they did apologise later.

People in the comments however were quick to tell him that he was in the wrong.


However, OP wasn’t about to let things go without explaining.

People called him out for being entitled.


And mentioned some ways that he can make it so other people aren’t disturbed.

However, he had an answer for everything.


There must be some way to make sure other people aren’t disturbed, right?

Apparently not if this long answer from OP is anything to go by.


What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you believe the OP is doing his best at this point? Or do you believe it is his responsibility to remain silent? What would you do if this happened in your neighbourhood in the middle of the night? Please let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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