Step relations can be very complex and tough to manage. It requires a compromise from both sides, that is what all collaborations require to become strong. But if one party is making all the effort they can to keep the relationship well and alive and the other doesn’t give two sh*ts about it, then this relationship can never sustain for long, it is bound to end.
Something similar happened in the case of Reddit user u/rainingsakuras who had a girlfriend and a stepdaughter. OP would do everything for his stepdaughter to provide her with the best life. He paid for her education, gave her a car, and was even going to pay for her wedding that was coming up. However, she never respected him the way he deserved to be respected. She never considered him her father. She still loved her “real dad” and every time he would show up, she would fawn all over him.
This extended to the point that for her wedding OP’s stepdaughter announced that her real father would give her away. OP felt angry and couldn’t believe what had just happened so he decided to make an announcement of his own. He declared he was not going to host the wedding anymore and transferred the duties to the person who had replaced him; the real dad. This also meant OP freed himself of all financial duties that too got transferred to the real dad.
Scroll down below to read how it all went down!
1. These step relations are very complex.
Via u/rainingsakuras
2. OP’s daughter is getting married soon and it takes all of her and her mother’s time.
Via u/rainingsakuras
3. OP has supported her stepdaughter throughout her life.
Via u/rainingsakuras
4. Even though OP does everything for his stepdaughter, every time her real father shows up she goes all gaga over him.
Via u/rainingsakuras
5. OP was also going to pay for his stepdaughter’s wedding so he decided to invite 20 guests of his own. The guest list got approved.
Via u/rainingsakuras
6. One day OP saw a friend of his and asked him if he was attending the wedding to which he said he never got invited.
Via u/rainingsakuras
7. Turns out the friend had only received an announcement, not an invite. OP saw the card himself.
Via u/rainingsakuras
8. OP had a major fight with his girlfriend over the fact that none of his guests were invited.
Via u/rainingsakuras
9. OP’s GF said she may be able to a couple of his guests in but that offer felt like a joke to him.
Via u/rainingsakuras
10. One day the future in-laws were invited to a dinner and to OP’s surprise the real dad was also there. That’s where OP’s stepdaughter announced her real dad would be the one giving her away at her wedding.
Via u/rainingsakuras
11. OP couldn’t believe what had happened as it took him a few seconds to gather back the emotions that had just burst in him.
Via u/rainingsakuras
12. OP knew he couldn’t just let this slide so he decided to speak up.
Via u/rainingsakuras
13. OP started off by raising a toast to the bride and groom thanking them for opening his eyes to something very…important.
Via u/rainingsakuras
14. OP turned smiles into confusion saying he is not honored in the family the way he used to be.
Via u/rainingsakuras
15. OP shared he was wrong for thinking of himself as the godfather of the family when he is only an ATM machine for everyone to use.
Via u/rainingsakuras
16. He then broke the b*mb on everyone by resigning from his financial duties and transferring them to the host who replaced him, OP’s real father. Take that!
Via u/rainingsakuras
17. OP was done with everything. 50 grand is not a small amount. Those guys were too entitled.
Via u/rainingsakuras
18. OP didn’t stop there, he proceeded to take all the money out of the joint account he had made with his stepdaughter and girlfriend.
Via u/rainingsakuras
19. OP also called all the vendors he had deposited the money with for the wedding and asked for a refund. He got almost all of it.
Via u/rainingsakuras
It is game over for OP’s stepdaughter and girlfriend. This is what happens when you do not respect those who do everything for you. They were so blinded and kept getting attracted to the real dad. Well, you can have your real dad now, enjoy life with him because OP just put you back where you were.
I really liked that OP didn’t keep this all in and let it all out. He let his emotions guide his strategy and it is great that he did.
Here’s an update OP shared:
20. OP’s toast caused a lot of tantrums and mumbling among the people present there.
Via u/rainingsakuras
21. OP and his girlfriend had a major fight, again, and OP slept in his home office that night. His girlfriend nor his stepdaughter, no one tried approaching OP that night.
Via u/rainingsakuras
22. I don’t think that was a good idea, GF.
Via u/rainingsakuras
23. At this point OP felt they were just disrespecting him.
Via u/rainingsakuras
24. OP shut the planner and slapped his girlfriend by telling her and his stepdaughter to move out.
Via u/rainingsakuras
25. It is now up to the real dad to either sell himself or do whatever to make the wedding happen. OP is out!
Via u/rainingsakuras
This is what the internet thought about this:
26. They should get the signals and get out of this.
Via GlitterDoomsday
27. OP was only their credit card, never a father figure.
Via Justbored2much
28. Very high. And they will realize what a blunder they have made when this happens.
Via mrsbass79
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via SpuddyA7X
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