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Misogynistic Guy Gets Embarrassed After Learning Woman Earns More Than He Does

Misogynists can be found anywhere.

You’d think that in this day and age, people wouldn’t think like this, but there are still plenty of people who like to brag about how much they make to women and seem to believe that women can’t be engineers or anything of the sort. I’m sure we’ve all heard the Internet scream when they discover a model is a university graduate or a software engineer. Pretty women, it appears, cannot have brains behind their faces. It is a strange stereotype that we should not continue to teach our children.


That is exactly what is happening in this situation as well. This guy wanted to show off his new job, and OP was the only one who listened. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with being excited about a new job, but the way he was going about it was a little misogynistic. After all, he was only talking about himself and not inquiring about her at all.  And yet he had the audacity to be upset with her for not telling him that she probably made more money than him.

You can read the entire story by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

While the title says everything, there is a lot more it doesn’t tell.


She was just having a drink with her friends and Nick who she had never met.


Nick kept talking about his job change and his new salary.


He kept talking about himself while never once asking her about herself.


He was also sort of looking down on her with these comments.


But when he asked for her Facebook account, that is when he realized the truth.


Rather than taking it in stride, he blew up.

Even though, he was the one who never asked.


Then he started throwing a tantrum about how she embarrassed him.

I don’t believe he did anything wrong. She hadn’t lied to him or withheld anything from him. He was the one who went on and on about his profession while simultaneously putting her down. He did not attempt to get to know her. While I am guilty of talking a lot and sometimes forgetting to ask about people, I don’t do it in this manner, or at least not in this way. However, I’m not sure why her friends aren’t on her side. In any case, he doesn’t seem like someone she’d want to be friends with.

People in the comments were 100% on her side.



After all, he had made a fool out of himself perfectly fine on his own.


It’s not like he needed help when it came to embarrassing him.


I don’t think anyone should be in a relationship with him.

He needs to grow up a lot more.



He was definitely giving off misogynistic vibes and she put him in his place without even doing anything.

What are your thoughts on the entire situation? Have you ever had to deal with someone like this? What did you do in that case? Please let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their own personal experiences.


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