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Toxic Mother Presents Daughter An Ultimatum Between Staying Or Leaving The House


Everyone has a reason for doing things.

Even if many of our actions appear to be illogical or merely habitual, this is not the case. The majority of our actions have a purpose. Even if you believe someone is acting in good faith, there is usually a reason behind their actions. It could be that they want to impress others or that they simply feel better when they help others. However, when it comes to parental love, it can be truly unconditional in some cases. Of course, I’m not referring to every parent out there. because, unfortunately, in many cases, they will use their children for something, and if their children do not follow their rules, they will suddenly stop caring about them.


Looking at stories like this one is a great way to understand these kinds of people. Any parent who genuinely loves their children will not issue an ultimatum. To be fair, this is applicable to any type of relationship. Giving someone the option of staying with them and listening to what they have to say or being kicked out is not something a loving parent would do. While I recognize that parents have a responsibility to teach their children how to be functioning adults, this is not how you do it. In this story, the mother is essentially exploiting her child for her own gain.

You will see what I’m talking about if you scroll down.

Source: Reddit

Any mother who gives their kid an ultimatum isn’t a loving parent.

But first, we need to understand how OP got into this situation in the first place.


Apparently, it started with a cell phone after she got her paycheck.


Her father helped her pay for it and she paid him back soon enough.


However, that is when her mother asked her to pay rent.


OP obliged until she was fired from her job.


She found another but it didn’t pay that well.


So it is understandable she was getting frustrated with her mother’s demands.


OP tried to communicate this frustration with her.


However, her mother didn’t try to understand her at all.


So she accepted the ultimatum and moved out.

This has obviously strained their relationship.


I would have understood if she had only asked OP to babysit once in a while and do some chores around the house. After all, if you live in someone else’s home, even if it is your parents, it is your responsibility to ensure that you bear the consequences of your own actions. However, the mother in this story is requesting not only rent but also unpaid babysitting. This woman clearly has a favourite child, and it is OP’s sister. No loving parent would behave in this manner. So I’m glad OP got out of there because her mother thought she’d reject the ultimatum. After all, that is the only reason she provided the ultimatum in the first place.

People in the comments think she absolutely did the right thing.


The favouritism is quite clear.

Ultimatums are never a good idea.


It is great that she isn’t living under her mother’s thumb anymore.

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you believe the mother made a mistake and that the OP should not have accepted the ultimatum? Or do you believe she did the right thing by leaving? What would you have done if your mother had behaved in this manner? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their own.


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