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Mother Assumes Son’s Ex-Swimming Teacher Still Teaches Him, Berates Him For Making Them Wait

Need Life Coach

We are well aware of the infamous subreddit “I Don’t Work Here Lady” and have read countless stories from there about entitled men and women mistaking random people minding their own business for workers where they are. Normally in such stories the wrong assumption is made on the spot, there is no background or history that makes them think the person they think is a worker, is actually a worker there. It just happens even though it is always wrong. But in the story we have got for you guys today, Reddit user u/JMI_5, who had left his job as a lifeguard and a swimming teacher 4 years ago, was assumed by an entitled mother of a son who OP used to teach to be still teaching swimming at that gym.


OP left the job but he kept his gym membership and continued consistently working out there and using all the great services all those years. One day while he had finished working out he noticed a kid he used to teach playing in the water. The kid noticed him as well and ran toward OP to hug him. The two were having a joyous conversation which got interrupted by the kid’s mother who assumed OP was still working as a lifeguard at the gym and berated him for making them wait too long.

Rest assured, she did get shown the way to her rightful spot. How? That is for you guys to read. Scroll down below to enjoy!

1. I love stories that start with statements that increase your curiosity about why this was said.


Via u/JMI_5

2. While in high school OP used to give swimming lessons to children.


Via u/JMI_5

3. The job was pretty flexible and OP liked it a lot. He still has a membership to that gym 4 years later while working his current job at a different company.


Via u/JMI_5

4. One day while OP was at the gym, he recognized a swim student of his who was playing in the water.


Via u/JMI_5

5. The kid noticed OP as well and came running towards him and the two hugged. While the two were catching up, the kid’s mother interrupted.


Via u/JMI_5

6. The shout confused OP. Don’t worry, we are confused as you are, sir.


Via u/JMI_5

7. OP quickly realized what was going on but wondered that his outfit in no way matched the uniform of swimming coaches so how did she make up this assumption that OP still taught there?

Via u/JMI_5

8. Nothing like what OP was wearing.


Via u/JMI_5

9. Not that there was any need to tell her all this OP still informed the mother that he did not work at the gym anymore.

Via u/JMI_5

10. Lo and behold! The entitled woman doesn’t believe OP. Classic!


Via u/JMI_5

I really hope one day someone invents a workshop that can fix Karens. Because this habit of theirs of not believing someone at-freaking-all is getting so out of hand. No matter what you say you get a straight denial. The only way to get them is to stoop down to their level, get on their level playing field, and then talk. Some people don’t like doing that, they don’t enjoy dropping their standards that low, and unfortunately, those people suffer Karen’s wrath.

I hope OP teaches her a solid lesson so she never makes such random assumptions again. Or at least starts believing people when they say something correct.

Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

11. Why is their next step always to report them to their supervisors? Why?

Via u/JMI_5

12. She realized she messed up but her entitlement didn’t move.


Via u/JMI_5

13. I am sure OP hadn’t that cloth to her with good intentions.


Via u/JMI_5

14. But the entitled su*ker was never going to get that.


Via u/JMI_5

15. That would keep her mouth shut for a nicely long time.

Via u/JMI_5

16. OP has to be commended for coming up with that on the spot.


Via u/JMI_5

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

17. Mother yelling at a person you love? I don’t how healthy that is for this mother-son relationship.

Via cryptomulder

18. That is exactly how I imagined him.


Via eViLegion

19. I know right, that was cool.

Via justcrazytalk

20. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Via Luke_oX

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via FaustinoA49

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